At night, all the passengers gathered in the lobby, preparing for a party.

The host was still the receptionist, Brother Lapi, he seemed to be everywhere, never missing a single event.

He delivered a few opening remarks in a pretentious manner, his sinister gaze scanning the audience as if selecting lambs for slaughter.

The party started, and everyone took turns performing on the stage.

There weren't any decent performances, with people wailing and howling like ghosts when singing, and dancing resembling a chaotic frenzy.

The most interesting part was when a passenger performed a joke, waiting for the audience's laughter.

However, the audience remained cold and indifferent.

Only Xiaoguang laughed, giving face, so he received a vote.

Now I'm relieved, the scoring method is not voting, but based on the audience's genuine reactions.

Even if they wanted to exclude us, it would be futile.

Then, Xiaoguang went up and performed a tongue twister, and the three of us naturally applauded enthusiastically.

However, the three votes had no effect.

Xiqing went up to perform piano playing, which was somewhat decent, but only at the level of accompanying kindergarten children.

What surprised me the most was Lutie Xiong.

I thought he, being burly and strong, wouldn't have any talent, but unexpectedly, he performed a martial arts routine and received quite a few praises.

As for me, I performed guitar playing and singing, which was my forte. In college, I used this to pursue girls.

It was during one of those performances that I confessed to Cheng Wei after it ended. Her shy and delighted expression is still unforgettable to me.

Thinking of Cheng Wei, my mood became quite gloomy. That news screenshot still troubled me from time to time.

The party ended, and the recognized passengers could return to their rooms to rest, while the unrecognized ones had to stay and receive punishment.

Lutie Xiong and I received enough recognition, but Xiaoguang and Xiqing weren't as lucky.

I unknowingly fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was already bright outside.

I woke up Lutie Xiong and asked, "Have you seen Xiqing and Xiaoguang?"

He scratched his messy hair and shook his head, saying, "I wanted to wait for them, but somehow I fell asleep. They haven't come back yet?"

I shook my head and didn't even bother to freshen up. I hurriedly rushed out to search for them.

Xiaoguang's room door was wide open, and even the bloodstains hadn't been cleaned. I glanced into the bathroom, and Xiaoguang's mother's body was still lying there.

This hotel is really messed up. They had a murder, and no one cared. The body was just left there.

We went to Xiqing's room, but she wasn't there either.

We kept searching until we reached the grand hall, which was still empty, but the tables and chairs had been neatly arranged back in their original places.
