Boarding School Teacher Rules:

【1. Our school aims to educate, salvage, and reform all students, making them good students who are liked by parents and satisfied by teachers.】

【2. For students who are rebellious, engage in early romance, or have bad habits, any means can be used. Their parents only care about the results and don't care about the process.】

【3. Students must fully obey the school rules. Violations will be regarded as poor performance, and any teacher can give them any punishment.】

【4. Do not sympathize with students' experiences. Strict teachers produce outstanding students. Teachers who indulge in sympathy will be seen as irresponsible and unprofessional amateur teachers.】

【5. Amateur teachers will be sent to the cafeteria and subjected to the punishment of being burned.】

【6. Teachers who refuse to improve and reform are not qualified to work in the boarding school. They will be dismissed and severely punished.】

【7. Do not ask what the punishment is before leaving. It is a price you cannot afford.】

【8. Teachers who discipline students seriously will be promoted to senior teachers with generous treatment.】

【9. Teachers wearing black suits and black sunglasses are the first group of staff in the school, with the longest qualifications. Please avoid any conflicts with them.】

【10. If conflicts arise between teachers, they will be handled according to the rules. Remember, your goal is to educate students, not to be with colleagues.】

【11. If there are external administrative personnel entering the school for inspection, please welcome them in the gentlest, kindest, and most humane manner possible, and do your best to accommodate them.】

【12. From the moment the inspectors enter the school until they completely leave, all school rules are temporarily suspended. Let the students face the inspection with full enthusiasm.】

【13. Due to the school's remote location surrounded by mountains, except for teachers wearing black suits and black sunglasses, no staff member is allowed to leave the school as you are unfamiliar with the mountain roads.】

【14. If a teacher leaves the school without permission, they may go missing, get lost, or disappear.】

【15. To ensure the cleanliness of the school and the cleanliness of the teaching building, after lights out at ten o'clock, the school will hire external personnel for disinfection. No matter what noise you hear, please do not open the door.】

【16. Remember, after lights out, no matter what sound you hear, do not open the door, absolutely do not open the door.】

【17. Finally, always remember that you are a strict teacher, and everything you do is for the students.】

- The End -
