The exam results are out.

If you get one question wrong, it's considered a fail.

I got three questions wrong.

All those puppet-like students got full marks.

They received the teacher's praise, returned to the dormitory, and prepared to leave the school.

They didn't show a very happy expression, but instead, the teacher's eyes sparkled with excitement.

A few of us students were left behind for a private talk.

A male teacher dressed in a black suit took us one by one to the first floor.

The students who left never came back.

I was the last one.

I thought about running away.

I saw the back door of the classroom wide open, and I desperately ran out.

However, the male teacher in a suit was strong, he grabbed my arm with a grip like picking up a little chicken, and dragged me to the first floor.

My feet dragged along the ground, leaving a long mark.

I wanted to call for help.

But it felt like there was a stone stuck in my throat, and I couldn't make a sound.

I was thrown into the office.

The teacher stabbed my hands with an embroidered needle.

The teacher whipped me with a teaching cane.

I heard the painful cries of Xiaoxuan from the next room.

I don't know how long it passed, but outside the window was a deep darkness.

I was tormented, my mind in a daze.

I struggled to get up, my whole body in pain.


That was my only thought.

I stumbled and leaned against the wall, reaching the door.

The door was locked from the outside, and I couldn't open it.

I heard the teacher outside say:

"Only Lin Xia is left. The education and transformation of this group of students are complete. They can wash away their past and start anew."

"That girl called Xiaoxuan is too stubborn. Two teachers took turns educating her, and finally corrected her rebellious behavior."

Only I am left, the sole survivor...

Tears filled my eyes as I wept for Xiaoxuan.

The door was pushed open.

I saw the female teacher with fiery red lips, holding a ruler in her hand.

Unlike the wooden or bamboo rulers, the ruler in the teacher's hand was made of pure steel bars.

I stepped back step by step until I reached the window.

Outside was pitch-black darkness that I couldn't see my hand in.

Inside the room, there was a bright incandescent light, reflecting my miserable appearance on the window.

I suddenly noticed that there was a familiar yet unfamiliar girl behind me.

Her figure and appearance were exactly the same as mine.

She was wearing the sports uniform I had lost, closely following me.

I screamed in fright.

The female teacher raised the steel bar ruler in her hand.

Accompanied by intense pain, I fell to the ground.

My eyes became blank, and my consciousness sank into eternal darkness.
