When I woke up again, it was already early the next morning.

Xia Cui and Xu Yanyan were whispering on the small balcony.

I leaned over to take a look.

The glass window was covered with scratches, like hard fingernails scratching on a vessel, each scratch was forceful.

It seemed like something was trying to climb in through the window.

Xu Yanyan's face turned pale with fright, "What happened last night?"

Xia Cui was trembling, "No! Let's go back home. This dormitory building is not safe."

I raised my hands in agreement.

Especially after experiencing the terrifying incident in the toilet last night, leaving the school was the wisest choice.

I wanted to call Wang Miaomiao to leave together, but she was not in the dorm.

"Where's Wang Miaomiao?" I asked.

Xu Yanyan and Xia Cui looked at each other.

"She was gone when we woke up."

"She might have gone to the toilet, let's go downstairs and check the situation first."

The three of us went downstairs, and as soon as we opened the door, the corridor was bustling.

Students were discussing how delicious the breakfast in the cafeteria was, completely ignoring what happened last night.

Xia Cui quietly asked me, "Everyone forgot?"

I frowned and replied, "I'm not sure."

I felt a wave of panic in my heart.

Everyone's behavior was exactly like our roommate who had been bewitched by it yesterday.

We quickly arrived at the school gate.

There were still some female students from the old dormitory buildings at the main entrance, clamoring to leave.

The security guard locked the school gate and shouted through a loudspeaker, "During school hours, leaving without permission will have consequences."

I stopped my roommates and said, "Let's not move for now."

I decided to observe and see just how severe these "consequences" were.

Soon, some students, impatient and hot-tempered, directly climbed onto the railing of the iron gate.

They were planning to climb to the top and then slide down from the other side.

However, something strange happened.

Students standing on the railing, one by one, had a look of horror on their faces and shouted "help" as they fell down in panic.

After landing, they crawled back to the dormitory building in a hurry.

I was worried that whatever was outside would follow them, so I pulled my roommates away from the gate.

"Li Lan, are we trapped in the school?" Xia Cui's mood was very downcast.

I encouraged them, "Being trapped is temporary. As long as we follow the rules of the dormitory, we can survive until the holidays."

Xu Yanyan rubbed her stomach and looked dejected, "Forget it, I'm hungry. I'll go to the cafeteria first."

I was worried about Wang Miaomiao and asked them to go ahead.

When I returned to the dormitory building, I saw a long line at the entrance on the first floor.

Upon closer inspection, the dozen or so girls lining up were the ones who had just escaped over the wall.

I noticed that they all went to the dormitory auntie and got a bottle of gray powder.

I had tried it before. That powder can ward off dirty things around you.

I could vaguely guess what they had seen.

"Li Lan?" The dormitory auntie noticed me and called out from the window, "Come in and help me with something."

I was taken aback.

I remembered clearly that Dong Mei's dormitory rules clearly stated- "

If the dormitory auntie invites you into her room, please refuse."

The dormitory auntie was still shouting, "Help me give each of them a bottle of medicine."

I immediately declined politely, "Auntie, I have something to do, I'll leave now."

I didn't look back and ran.

When I got back to room 404, I saw that the door was not closed.

I distinctly remembered locking the door before leaving.

I pushed the door open and saw Wang Miaomiao squatting on the balcony floor, focusing intently on something she was drawing.

"Miaomiao, where did you go early this morning?"

Seeing her safe and sound, I felt a wave of relief.

Wang Miaomiao looked up at me, her neck twisting at an impossible angle of 180 degrees.

I even heard the cracking sound of her bones breaking.

She looked at me expressionlessly, her voice sharp and piercing:

"So it's Li Lan, I found Dong Mei's phone at the door when I went to brush my teeth this morning, that's why I came back late."

My head was pounding.

She was- an imposter pretending to be Wang Miaomiao!

It was drawing strange and incomprehensible symbols on the floor.

This thought flashed through my mind, along with that rule- "

"Always cherish your roommate."

Actually, it was the opposite.

The correct answer should be: "Always be cautious of your roommate."

Unfortunately, I realized this too late.

A sharp pain shot through my brain, and the more I looked at the imposter Wang Miaomiao, the more I found her likable.

Her bizarre and twisted movements, seen through my eyes, somehow exuded a sense of beauty.

I tried to resist it with all my might subconsciously.

But my mouth uncontrollably spoke to it, "What's written in Dong Mei's phone?"

I couldn't understand, what rule did Wang Miaomiao and Dong Mei break?

It raised its pale hand with bright red nails and took out a pink phone case from its pocket, throwing it to me, "It's not unlocked, see for yourself."

With an uneasy feeling in my heart, I unlocked the phone.

The messages were all insults towards Dong Mei-

"Disgusting! Thief! Lunatic!"

"If you dare to come to our dorm and steal again, I'll kill you!"

"You traitor, get out of our room 403! Don't ever come back!"

"Why don't you die! Garbage thief!"

I couldn't comprehend it for a moment. Dong Mei was cheerful and not the type to steal.

I opened her album and saw a row of pictures, at least a dozen of them.

They were rules from other dormitories that she had photographed.

I clicked on them one by one.

Some rules were the same as the ones in room 404.

Some rules were the same as Dong Mei's room 403.

There were also a few rules that I had never seen before, with strange contents-

"Do not enter other people's dormitories without permission, otherwise, you will be mistaken for a thief."

"If you are identified as a thief, you will be ostracized by your roommates."

"The dormitory auntie can help you adjust dormitory relationships."

"When you are deemed a traitor by your roommates, please hang your clothes outside the window after 8 p.m., and be sure to retrieve them before 10 p.m."

"Turn off the lights at 10 p.m., block your face with a mirror to effectively prevent harm."

"Please be careful with your roommates."

I felt deeply ashamed. I never expected that Dong Mei taking pictures of the "rules" in other dormitories would cause a series of troubles.

She was accused of stealing, betrayed by her roommates, and cruelly thrown into the corridor after lights out.
