It was ten o'clock at night.

The strange things in the duty room increased.

I closed my eyes, out of sight, out of mind.

I felt like a master, surrounded by demons and ghosts, but unmoved.

"Gu Tang, are you in there? I'm coming in!" a voice came from the door.

I opened my eyes and saw Zhang San walking in.

Zhang San was the one who greeted me in the exterminated dormitory!

Who allowed you to come in and make decisions on your own?!

It was bad enough Zhang San came in, but he didn't even close the door.

I clearly saw someone wearing a red high hat standing outside the door.

Do you understand the concept of closing the door? Where are your manners?!

[The duty room is absolutely safe.]

[If you see them, tell yourself it's all an illusion.]

"Gu Tang, stay awake and don't step out of the duty room." Sun Huawen's voice came.

Zhang San, acting all familiar, walked over to me and pulled me, saying, "Isn't it boring to stay here alone? Come out with me for a walk."

Go to hell!

Can't you see that guy outside waiting for me to step out and kill me?

"I can't go," I said coldly.

"Why not?"

"For world peace, for the shining stars, for the surging oceans, for the 1.5-yuan eggs in the cafeteria."

Zhang San: ???

But Zhang San still tried to drag me out.

I suspected this Zhang San wasn't an illusion.

He genuinely wanted to drag me out and kill me.

"I warn you, if you keep this up, I'll have to use the law to punish you!"

The lawless Zhang San was unmoved.

The situation was very chaotic; Zhang San grabbed my leg, trying to drag me out, while I clung to the opposite teacher's chair, refusing to yield.

Thank you, teacher. I didn't appreciate you before, even thought you were scary. Now I realize you've always been protecting me silently.

"Boss Sun, what should I do?" I asked Sun Huawen for help.

If that teacher stood up, I would be finished.

As I was worrying, the teacher actually stood up.

I was truly screwed.

"The dorm inspectors are coming!" Sun Huawen shouted through the phone.

Upon hearing this, Zhang San immediately let go and ran outside, even closing the door behind him.

Crisis averted.

"Boss Sun, you are truly amazing!"

"I just took a chance, didn't expect it to work." Sun Huawen breathed a sigh of relief.

[Don't talk to people from exterminated dormitories, they are in league with the ones wearing red high hats.]

Thinking of this, I broke into a cold sweat.

I warned my roommates to stay away from people from exterminated dormitories.

Would Zhang San come back?

He probably wouldn't... right?

It was eleven o'clock.

The dorm inspections began.

As long as there were no traitors in the dorm,

there was nothing to fear from the inspections.

During the inspections, I chatted with my roommates amidst the sounds of explosions.

It sounded kind of romantic?

Tonight, three dormitories had incidents.

"Why so many incidents tonight?" I asked.

"No idea... The library was packed, how could there still be so many traitors?" Xiao Ze asked.

"Wait!" Sun Huawen suddenly remembered something, "How many students are there in our school?"

"Tens of thousands, I guess," Zhou Yiqiang said.

"How many seats are there in the library?"

When Sun Huawen threw out this question, we were all stunned.

Yeah, how many seats could the library have!

Using the library to measure the ratio of living to dead people was misinformation!!!

When the library first started having vacant seats, it was already a terrifying situation!

Perhaps, it was already very unsafe now.

After the dorm inspections ended, there were soon sounds of doors opening and closing again.

"Let me in, please save me, I won't bring the student council! Please let me in, or I'll be killed! Please!" came a desperate voice from outside.

"You saw the dog, we won't let you in, don't even think about it."

The response was a cold voice.

We listened quietly, without speaking.

The person who saw the dog, who or what was "it" referring to?

Why didn't the person who saw the dog open the door for the inspectors before?

The duty room I was in, people with red high hats couldn't enter.

The duty room always reminded me of the student council's box.

The lights went out, everyone needed to rest, I hung up the voice call.

Lying on the floor of the duty room, I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep.

Not because I was afraid of the demons and ghosts around me, nor because I was afraid of the person with the red high hat outside the door.

The reason I couldn't sleep was that I felt there was a connection between these pieces of information, and I felt I could find these connections.

In the dark space, I listened to my breathing, mixed with the light knocking on the door outside.

For the first time in my life, I was so seriously and focused on thinking.

I seemed to have figured it out.

[The dog won't open the door for the inspectors.]

[The inspectors and the people with red high hats are in league.]

[The student council is opposed to the people with red high hats.]

So the people with red high hats couldn't enter the box, the box being the duty room.

[The exterminated dormitories fear the inspections, but they are also in league with the people with red high hats.]

So Zhang San wanted me to leave the duty room.

I remembered an earlier message.

[Those who see the dog are the student council's lackeys.]

So those who see the dog fear being left outside.

And since the student council is opposed to the people with red high hats, those who see the dog wouldn't open the door for the inspectors.

Those who see the dog refer to the people with red high hats as "it".
