Open my eyes, today is the second day.

It's now seven o'clock in the morning, it's already bright outside.

My roommates have all woken up one after another.

I have an 8 am class, so I need to move quickly.

Zhou Yiqiang and Huang Pang are still the same, rushing to the library without class.

Perhaps they themselves did not expect to love studying so much.

Today Sun Huawen also plans to go to the library.

And apart from me, Xie Zeh and Taorantwo also have to go to an 8 am class, but they are not on my way.

It seems like I'm destined to be alone for this class.

"All of you, stay in touch and be safe. Also, don't come back to the dorm after eight o'clock," Sun Huawen repeatedly reminded us like an old mother.

After packing up, I set out alone, stepping onto an unknown path, feeling lonely and desolate in an instant.

I opened the dormitory door and saw that the door that was opened during the bed check last night has turned white.

The pale white door made me feel eerie.

Several students with smiles and laughter walked out of the white door, looking no different from normal people.

But they are definitely not normal.

Is this the rumored "annihilated dormitory"?

One of the people in the white dormitory greeted me, and I smiled and replied without sincerity.

It's chilling to be so close to this kind of dormitory.

I thought I was ten minutes early to the classroom, but I didn't expect my classmates to be so early.

The classroom was full of people, with only one seat left.

Are you guys here so early? Isn't that against the rules?

It seems the rules didn't say we can't?

Damn, these people are so cunning.

I had to take the only empty seat.

After sitting down, I realized that the person next to me was the guy who was watching TikTok during the calculus class yesterday.

Now I feel like I'm leaving is not an option, but staying is not either.

Well, I can't talk in the classroom anyway. He can't bother me, I'll just leave after class and keep my distance from him.

I never expected him to be well-prepared, and he passed me a small note.

The note read: "I remember you, you asked me a question last time. As a reward, you'll have lunch with me after class, won't you refuse me?"

Shouldn't I refuse you, since I don't even know your name?

Just as I was about to refuse, he handed me another note.

The note read: "Those who refuse me all died. I'm not threatening you."

Isn't this still a threat?

I don't know what these guys are capable of, for now I can only agree with him.

I nodded.

I couldn't concentrate at all in this class, even though I never pay attention in normal classes.

The most important thing at the moment is to get rid of this guy.

Now I know, don't ask for help from abnormal people, or even ask questions, because they will ask for double in return.

If you refuse, it's a dead end.

[Don't owe abnormal students any favors, not even a little bit.]

After scratching my head for a while, a light bulb went off in my mind.

[Outside the dorm, find the counselor if there's a problem.]

I should consider myself in big trouble now.

After class, I walked out of the classroom and said to the guy, "Wait for me, I'll go upstairs and get something."

He smiled strangely at me and said, "Don't run away, I can find you wherever you go, and you will be punished."

"I won't run, I'll be back in half an hour."


I quickly ran to the fourth-floor counselor's office.

Just now, by making that guy wait for me, I owed him another favor.

If the counselor can't help me, I'll have to ask Huang Pang to help me look for a coffin.

When I arrived at the counselor's office door, I knocked.

"Come in."

When I entered, I told the counselor about my situation.

The counselor didn't say a word from start to finish, just handed me a piece of paper and waved me away.

Standing at the door of the counselor's office, I opened the paper, and it had three lines written on it.

[1. You can go to the principal's office, but you are not allowed to say that you can go to the principal's office.]

[2. It is right to let abnormal students go to the principal's office.]

[3. The memory of abnormal students is chaotic, they have long forgotten the rules.]

After I finished reading the paper, it quickly turned into powder.

My only way out is to make that guy go to the principal's office.

But how can I make him go to the principal's office?

Should I just try to tell him directly?

Back to the guy's side, I said the first sentence, "The principal wants to see you in his office."

"Can I go to the principal's office?" he asked me.

At that moment, my heart jumped to my throat. Did he already realize I was setting him up?

[The memory of abnormal students is chaotic, they have long forgotten the rules.]

Which means, he has forgotten the rule that says he can't go to the principal's office.

Just as I was about to answer, "Yes, you can go," I hesitated.

[You are not allowed to say that you can go to the principal's office.]

So, I changed my words, "You should go quickly. The principal is looking for you, and hurry up, don't you want to eat? I'm hungry. I'll wait for you for half an hour, if you don't come back, I'll leave."


Watching the guy leave, I still felt tense.

If he comes back unharmed, I really don't know what to do.

All I can do is pray that he won't come back.

Time passed, luckily, half an hour went by, and he didn't return.

Through this, I learned one thing.

[The principal's office is the right place to deal with abnormal students.]

I summarized what just happened and sent it to the dormitory group.
