"Rule six, if there are... foreign objects in the food, do not consume... they should be stored..."

We remembered the rule about storing foreign objects and began searching around.

Strangely, there was a red lost and found cabinet in the back kitchen, as big as a standing bowl cabinet.

The originally shiny stainless steel had turned into a dull gray, with dried brown stains scattered on it and covered in dust.

Inside the lost and found box was an old-fashioned watch.

"This is my father's watch! He came to the cafeteria because he lost something."

Yi Linyang caressed the jade finger ring, which also had the character "Yi" engraved on the inner side.

We took out the foreign objects we found in the cafeteria meals, and put the ring on the broken finger along with hair, teeth, and braised pork.

A tremendous force, like an invisible giant hand, instantly swept us into the cabinet.

The scene before us became somewhat blurry, as if covered in a layer of grayish-black smoke.

After our vision cleared, we saw the truth of the poisoning case from fifteen years ago through the gap in the cabinet!

It was Sun Jingyu. She wore the work-study program armband and quietly entered the back kitchen, took out the boric acid used to kill cockroaches in the kitchen, diluted it, and poured it into the soup pot.

Then, she carefully took a little bit and mixed it into the freshly steamed rice.

The fluffy and moist rice was packed in a large iron plate, and she firmly pressed the poisoned piece of rice on top of it.

I fully understood!

Sun Jingyu actually only wanted to kill one person.

Her real target was none other than the vice principal!

If she poisoned all the food, it would make her, who was responsible for serving the food, too suspicious, and she might harm other innocent people.

By poisoning the diluted soup, there would be many people affected, greatly reducing the targeting.

I suddenly had a clear understanding.

The poison in the soup pot was just a smokescreen, causing others to experience vomiting and diarrhea after drinking it.

"Because Sun Jingyu is responsible for serving the food, she poisoned a corner of the rice specifically for the person she wanted to kill!"

Through the cabinet, I saw Yi Linyang's father anxiously entering.

He originally came to retrieve his lost item but encountered Sun Jingyu poisoning the soup pot in shock. He was about to stop her.

The two of them argued, and Sun Jingyu reacted quickly, pouring a ladle of hot soup onto his face!

His eyes were scalded shut, and he flailed his hands wildly. He took two steps back and slipped on the water, hitting the back of his head on the ground, and immediately became motionless.

Sun Jingyu panicked as she checked his breath, then retracted her hand.

Soon, the head chef of the cafeteria also came in. He and Sun Jingyu seemed to be familiar with each other, and after a brief conversation, they made a decision.

The head chef first hid Yi Linyang's father in the refrigerator, then, taking advantage of the night, he dismembered him into pieces.

The sound of a bone cleaver echoed, and the remains were mixed into the cafeteria dishes. Dry pot pig intestine, braised pork, boiled sliced pork...

The lid of the pressure cooker was jumping wildly, inside was stewed bone.

This horrifying scene revealed the mystery of Yi Linyang's father's disappearance fifteen years ago!

Cold sweat drenched my back, and Yi Linyang had already closed his eyes, unable to bear seeing any more.

The lights in the back kitchen flickered and went out.

I suddenly felt dizzy, unable to support myself, and my body no longer obeyed me.

What's going on? Alarm bells rang in my mind.

"Wait, we already know who the poisoner is, why... can't we leave?"

With my last breath, I voiced my doubts.

"I'm sorry..." I heard Yi Linyang let out a sigh.

"The real poisoner... turns out it's you?!"

I didn't have time to say it out loud before I fell into a coma.
