"Sister, can you open your eyes and look at me?"

The voice of a child came from above me, but I kept my eyes tightly shut, refusing to listen to a word.

"Open your eyes... Open your eyes..."

I could feel a pair of small hands touching my face. The icy sensation traveled from my chin to my eyes.

He wanted to pry open my eyes!

I quickly covered my eyes with my hands, but he held onto my wrist tightly, trying to pry my hand open.

I arched my back and curled up like a shrimp, refusing to let go of my hand.

Suddenly, the sound of high heels echoed.

"Get away from me..." It was the voice of that white-clad nurse.

In an instant, the cries of the baby erupted throughout the corridor. The sound was piercing, causing every fiber of my being to tremble, and I could hardly breathe.

"Mom... Don't leave me..."

The voices of children came from all directions, both boys and girls, repeating the same sentence together.

As I listened to their cries, I felt a pain in my womb, clutching my stomach and rolling on the floor.

"The sky is in chaos, the earth is in chaos,

I have a crying child at home,

Passersby, read it three times,

Sleep until broad daylight..."

I heard the nurse recite this nursery rhyme three times, and only then did the child's singing slowly stop.

The thing on top of me also instantly disappeared.

What's going on? I still didn't open my eyes, afraid that the thing might still be beside me.

"Liu Fang, you can open your eyes now." The gentle voice of the white-clad nurse came, but I hesitated.

"Don't you remember me? I'm the person who reminded you twice before."

Listening to the identical voice, I believed what the rules stated, that I could trust the words of a nurse wearing a white uniform.

But I didn't know why it felt a bit strange...

Previously, although this nurse would help me, she wouldn't say more than a few words to me.

But now, she seemed a bit too enthusiastic.

It was as if she was eagerly awaiting my response.

Just to be safe, I ignored her. I didn't dare to open my eyes and continued to fumble in the direction of the ward.

I bit my lower lip hard and exhaled a long breath when I touched the doorknob of Room 302...

I quickly opened the door and rushed in.

As I was about to close the door, a force stopped me.

She followed me in!

At this moment, I was certain that she was not the same white-clad nurse as before...

Then who was she?

According to the rules, I could open my eyes once I returned to the room.

But when I opened my eyes, I saw a pair of blood-red pupils staring closely at me!

I bit my tongue hard, preventing myself from screaming.

All I could see was a bloody red color. Looking down, I could see the black clothes she was wearing.

She was the "head nurse" I encountered at the nurse's station before!

Rule number five and seven: Do not make loud noises in the ward, and do not interact with nurses wearing black clothes.

I gasped for breath and caught a glimpse of the voice changer she was holding in her hand.

Right... It must be this thing. She wanted to confuse me with it.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but the "head nurse" stayed by my side, staring at me silently without saying a word.

The several corpses that were in the ward before were gone, replaced by three other women. They were equally quiet, and I could hear the ticking of the clock.

Finally, after the clock completed a full circle, she turned and left the ward. I let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the floor.

Now, I could finally continue reading the note I found in the utility room.

"Hello, I'm Li Ke."

Wait... Li Ke?

If I remember correctly, the name tag on the white-clad nurse who had been helping me beforecut off there.

The note continued:

"My apologies for the confusion caused earlier. The person you encountered in the corridor was not me. I am the real Li Ke, the nurse who has been assisting you. I am writing this note because I want to help you understand the situation you're in.

You are currently in a place called the "Chaos Hospital." It is a realm where the boundary between the living and the dead is blurred. The patients here are trapped in a cycle of fear and confusion.

The nurses in white uniforms are here to provide assistance and guide the patients towards finding their way out of this place. They are trustworthy and can be relied upon.

On the other hand, the nurses in black uniforms are known as the "Lost Nurses." They are corrupted and seek to deceive and harm the patients. It is crucial to avoid any interaction with them.

Remember the rules that were given to you. They are designed to protect you and help you navigate this chaotic environment:

1. Do not make loud noises in the ward.

2. Do not leave your room after lights-out.

3. Do not interact with other patients.

4. Do not trust the Lost Nurses (those wearing black uniforms).

5. Seek guidance from the nurses in white uniforms (like me, Li Ke).

Please follow these rules to ensure your safety and increase your chances of escaping this hospital. I will do my best to assist you on this journey.

Remember, you are not alone in this. There are others like you who are struggling to find their way out. Together, we can overcome the challenges and bring an end to this cycle of chaos.

Stay strong and trust in yourself. We will find a way out.

Li Ke"

Reading the note, a mix of relief and determination washed over me. I now had a clearer understanding of this strange place and the entities within it.

I decided to follow the rules diligently, avoiding any interaction with the Lost Nurses and seeking guidance from the nurses in white uniforms, like Li Ke.

With renewed hope, I folded the note and placed it carefully in my pocket. It was time to face the challenges ahead and find a way to escape the Chaos Hospital.
