If I had known this job was like this, I wouldn't have taken it even if you beat me to death.

As soon as I opened the door to 303, I was hit by a strong smell of dust that made me sneeze.

It looks like no one has been here for a long time...

I waved my hand in front of my face to clear the dust and began searching through a pile of junk for a mop and a bucket. There was everything here: discarded basins, clothes drying racks, rusty infusion stands, and even an abandoned bookcase...

A bookcase? Puzzled, I opened it and found two clean sheets of paper inside, completely different from the dusty surroundings.

Someone must have placed them here recently!

Could it be that nurse?

I put aside the cleaning and picked up the sheets of paper, starting to read the text on them.

"November 5, 2009

Today is my first day as a nurse here. The women in the ward don't seem easy to get along with... And the rules here are so strange, I've never heard of pregnant women and new mothers sharing the same room. Oh well, the pay is good, and Senior Chen Yang recommended this job, so it can't be bad!"

Is this a diary? The sheet felt different from the other papers with the hospital's logo; it had holes down one side, clearly from a loose-leaf notebook.

The diary entry stopped there, but below it was another set of handwriting.

"This hospital is totally off... Just now, a pregnant woman ate her own eyeball right in front of me... Is anyone still there? Are we ever going to make it out alive?"

After reading that line, I realized these two people must have also been nurses working here.

But as my eyes continued to move down, a chill ran down my spine...

The diary entry was dated 2009, but it's already 2018 now... And the person mentioned that Senior Chen Yang introduced her to this job, but I clearly remember Chen Yang just graduated one year ahead of me...

Too afraid to think more, I hurriedly looked at the next page.

"To the next participant, sorry to inform you that you've entered the world of rules. If you want to survive, you must remember to follow the rules."

Just as I read this, there was a knock at the door. I turned around and saw the nurse from earlier.

"Please clean the room as soon as possible."

She said coldly, then turned and left.

Not daring to linger, I folded the sheets and put them in my pocket. I found the mop and bucket among the clutter and immediately left the room.

I turned and walked back to room 302. As I opened the door, to my surprise, I found that each bed now had a woman sitting on it.

Pretending not to see them, I took the cleaning tools inside with a blank expression.

Wait a minute!!!

A sudden realization hit me.

Rule number two: Besides the children, there should be no more than six people in the room.

And right in front of me, there were exactly six people.

But... I'm a person too!

I quickly dropped the cleaning tools and tried to hide under bed number two.

But the woman on bed number one reacted quickly and tried to grab me. I had never moved so swiftly before, and I managed to slide under bed number two before she could grab me.

But her hand still scratched my back...

This time, I was inside the room.

I could hear screams, accompanied by the sound of chewing—sounds that grew more intense, echoing in my ears.

I also heard the screams of women and the sound of flesh hitting metal.

I remembered, the bed frame was made of iron...

All these sounds, combined with the increasingly thick smell of blood, nearly overwhelmed my senses.

I could even feel the blood pooling beneath me.

After a long while... the ward finally went silent.

Cautiously, I crawled out from under the bed.

What lay before me were five grotesque corpses. Their skin was ripped to shreds, muscles twisted together, and nerves clearly visible... They remained sitting upright, with their heads all facing my direction...

But... why were there only five bodies... Where did the other one go?

"Nurse Liu

, are you there?" came the voice of the nurse in white from outside the door, startling me, "If you're dirty, you can clean up in the maternity room."

I found this strange... How did she always seem to know what was happening with me?

But before I could ask, she had already left.

Looking at the empty corridor, I sighed. The smell of blood on me made me nauseous, so I decided to clean up in the maternity room.

I remembered that the maternity room had a small bathroom.

Dragging my tired body, I slowly walked to the maternity room. But as my hand touched the doorknob, I heard a baby crying behind me!

Rule number nine: There will be no babies outside the ward. If you hear a baby crying outside, close your eyes immediately and return to the ward.

I immediately closed my eyes and felt my way back along the wall.

I could feel the baby's cries right next to my ear. I could even feel its breath!

But this breath was different from a normal person's warm breath; it was cold, giving me goosebumps all over...

I groped my way along the wall, moving back. I felt the first door—this was 304; the second door—303; the third door—302.

I made it!

Still with my eyes closed, I reached for the doorknob of 302.

At that moment, a tremendous force dragged me to the ground.

I lay on the floor, feeling a baby crawling all over me...

I struggled to get up, but then, the baby's cries turned into laughter.

This eerie laughter, accompanied by a cold sensation, covered my entire body.

I tried to get up but was pinned down firmly.
