After completing the mission, I didn't stay for long. I simply closed the door and let everything return to tranquility.

The fresh blood on the ground disappeared instantly along with the spray of disinfectant.

After finishing all this, I originally planned to leave without leaving a trace.

However, the suddenly opened door caught all of my attention.

"What... What's going on?"

The girl in cartoon pajamas who appeared behind that door was my loyal fan, Shen Tingting.

At this moment, I felt a bit embarrassed. If it were someone who didn't know anything and saw what had just happened, they would probably consider me a deranged killer.

They might think I used some special potion to kill the burly man, No. 603.

However, while I was still contemplating how to explain, Shen Tingting, who was beside me, spoke up:

"Dada, what's going on here?"

"Did you just... kill that perverted uncle?"

Upon hearing this, I was also taken aback. However, seeing that Shen Tingting showed no signs of suspicion towards me, I pondered for a moment and decided to approach her, telling her the truth.

Although it was quite absurd to suddenly find out that my home had become a dangerous place, witnessing me exterminating the perverted uncle, No. 603, with a disinfectant gun without any changes happening to the normal me, Shen Tingting quickly accepted what I had said.

In the process, I also learned from her that this man, No. 603, seemed to be a pervert who had been peeping at Shen Tingting in various ways.

Shen Tingting had been subjected to his voyeurism for two years already, and she had grown accustomed to it.

"Anyway, I just ignore him. Even if I lock the door, he can't come in!"

Hearing the information provided by Shen Tingting, I suddenly understood.

Why did No. 603 take her supplies? It turned out that it was because he had been peeping at her, which allowed him to conveniently take away Shen Tingting's supplies.

And taking away Shen Tingting's supplies was probably meant to force her to come out.

Unexpectedly, due to a twist of fate, I ended up exterminating a voyeur.

Under normal circumstances, I would have already started making a video to share my bizarre experience with everyone. Unfortunately, now I had no intention to do so.

Now, all I wanted was to survive.

The next day was Wednesday, and just like before, I received the task of distributing supplies.

When I went to collect the items, Aunt Zhang from room 503 next door mentioned something.

"Xiaobai, did you hear a noise upstairs last night? Someone was making a racket in the middle of the night and startled both me and my husband awake!"

"They stayed up so late and who knows what they were doing! They really have no sense of public decency!"

As she spoke, Aunt Zhang kept rubbing her chest, clearly feeling indignant.

Of course, I knew what that sound was.

It was the final desperate scream of that perverted No. 603.

However, Aunt Zhang, being an elderly person, obviously couldn't handle such stimulation, so I just smiled.

"Oh, I don't know. I slept so deeply last night."

Almost there
