I thought everything would be over after losing my things.

But I didn't expect the group chat to explode after I finished everything.

【404】: Oh, condemned by heaven! Such good things, all lost! Is this what you call recycling?

Then, there was a video taken by 404 at the window.

In the video, it was the scene of me throwing the excess supplies into the red trash bin at the main entrance.

【204】: Tsk tsk tsk! Wasting food, may the heavens strike you with lightning!

Naturally, I didn't expect that someone would film me throwing away the things and upload it to the group chat.

All of a sudden, everyone started attacking me, even 503 Auntie, who always spoke up for me, was now educating me in the group chat.

【503】: Xiaobai, I know young people are lazy, but these are all good things. How can you just throw them away? It's such a waste!

I had no choice but to explain through messages.

【Building Manager】: This is the rule of the community. The instruction I received was to put the unclaimed items in the trash bin for recycling after 12 o'clock!

【Building Manager】: It's really dangerous inside the building now. You must follow the rules!

【Building Manager】: Please believe me! It's really, really dangerous here!

【404】: What rubbish rule! Have you gone stupid? Even believing in this!

Being a building manager, you've developed a sense of superiority! Little girl, how old are you? How dare you come and lecture us!

【204】: Exactly! And saying that taking the stairs is dangerous! What nonsense! I'll take the stairs later just to show you!

【104】: And talking about normal and abnormal residents, my head is hurting! We had braised pork yesterday, and today everything's fine!


A string of messages, all of them thinking I had gone crazy.

No matter how I explained, no one believed me.

Faced with this situation, I was at a loss for a moment.

Huang Meimei told me not to care about them. After all, we're just neighbors. I've already reminded them, and what they choose to do next is their own business.

Yes, I've already reminded them. What they choose to do next is also their choice.

Protecting myself is already good enough. How can I expect to protect them?

Late at night, my heartache returned, and then the familiar sound of a message on my phone came.

【Building Manager Mission】

Received a request for assistance from a resident!

Immediately proceed to Room 603 for disinfection work.

The disinfection tools are at the front desk on the first floor.

During disinfection, residents should leave their homes. If they refuse to leave, directly disinfect the residents.

Current accumulated disinfection count: 1

Why is it another incident on the 6th floor!

Seeing this information, I felt uneasy.

The scene in Room 604 from yesterday was still fresh in my mind, and today it was the 6th floor again!

Naturally, I didn't want to go, but when I saw the ring in my hand transform from a piece of jewelry into a bloodshot eyeball, I obediently picked up the disinfection gun and prepared to go upstairs.

The elevator in the middle of the night was silent, and my feet trembled slightly.


Soon, the elevator arrived at the target floor.

The corridor was quiet, and the sensor lights in the hallway flickered.

Perhaps it was because I witnessed the tragic scene in Room 604 yesterday, but today I didn't feel as nervous as yesterday.

Step by step, I slowly approached the door of Room 603. The door was closed, so I rang the doorbell.

Ding dong...

Ding dong...

If I couldn't enter, then even if I wanted to disinfect, I couldn't complete the task!

Just the thought of my task stating that failure to complete the distribution and disinfection tasks would result in elimination.

In my mind, I subconsciously saw the image of the womanin Room 604, her body covered in blood.

I knocked on the door again and called out, "Excuse me, I'm here to disinfect. Please open the door."

After a moment of silence, I heard a faint voice from inside the room, "Who is it?"

I replied, "I'm from the building management. There has been a request for disinfection in this unit. Please open the door."

The door creaked open, revealing a middle-aged man peering out cautiously.

"Is it really necessary to disinfect?" he asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.

I nodded and explained, "Yes, it's for the safety and well-being of all residents. It's a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of any potential contaminants. It won't take long."

The man sighed and opened the door wider, allowing me to enter.

The apartment was dimly lit, with an air of neglect and disarray. I could see piles of unwashed dishes in the sink and clutter scattered around the living room.

I put on my gloves, took out the disinfection gun, and started the process.

As I sprayed the disinfectant, the man watched silently, his expression a mix of resignation and concern.

After completing the disinfection, I handed him a pamphlet explaining the procedures and precautions to follow.

"Please make sure to follow these guidelines for your safety and the safety of others," I said gently.

He nodded and thanked me before closing the door behind me.

I sighed, feeling a mix of relief and sadness.

What had happened in this building? Why were there requests for disinfection in multiple units?

As I made my way back to the elevator, I couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to these incidents.

My mind was filled with questions, but I knew I couldn't find the answers just yet.

For now, I had to focus on my tasks and continue to fulfill my responsibilities as the building manager.

Little did I know that this was only the beginning of a series of eerie events that would test my courage and unravel the mysteries hidden within the walls of the building.
