This feeling is really strange!

I've always been healthy, and there has never been any premonition of heartache, but just now it hurt so much I almost fainted.

Moreover, what's with that text message?

Suddenly, I had a bad feeling.

How is this so coincidental!

I clearly closed the door, and I was at home when I put it on. Why did I receive a text message the moment I put on the ring?


There's surveillance inside the ring!

Thinking of this, I quickly wanted to take it off.

But this ring is really strange. No matter how hard I pull, or even with soap, the ring fits my hand like it was stuck there and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it off!

[What's going on with this ring!]

And I used so much force, but the quality of this ring is really good! Not a single decoration fell off.

I even hit the wall with it, expecting a change, but the ring remained the same.


I had to give up on the idea of taking off the ring and started to think about the strange message on the phone.

This task seems fine, after all, the situation is now good with food distribution. It's a good thing no matter how you look at it.

[And, I'm distributing things downstairs, nothing could possibly go wrong, right!]

Thinking of this, my heart calmed down a bit.

I quickly set the alarm clock, ready to go to work tomorrow.

For a night owl like me, getting up at 8 a.m. to work is really difficult!

The alarm clock rang on time.

I quickly got up and prepared to receive the supplies downstairs.

At that time, there was nothing downstairs.

[Could it be a scam?]

[No supplies?]

[It's already 8 o'clock, and the supplies haven't come yet?]

As I looked around, the next moment, in the lobby, allocated supplies suddenly appeared, bag by bag.

[Grass! It's unbelievable!]

I'm sure!

I blinked my eyes.

In an instant, the feeling of drowsiness vanished.

Looking at the bags of supplies in front of me, the sense of panic that had accumulated since I received the ring yesterday hit me all at once.

If I thought I had been pranked before, that someone had broken my surveillance, gave me a ring I couldn't take off, all to make fun of me, now, I really felt what I was experiencing was absolutely, absolutely not a prank!

[This, this can't be an alien invasion, can it?]

[Otherwise, how could this thing just appear out of thin air!]

But as a short video blogger, when I encountered this, I subconsciously took out my phone and started recording myself.

"Guys! It's over! I've encountered a supernatural event!"

Though I didn't know what had happened at the time, my sharpness as a video blogger made me realize something immediately, just like Huang Meimei had said.

If I could investigate this bizarre building event and make a video, I'd be trending in no time?!

Thinking of this, no matter what supernatural event, I had to thoroughly investigate this building event!

If I wanted to investigate, I naturally had to carefully inspect the items left at the front desk.

In addition to the food that had been distributed, there was only something like an attendance book on the table.

There are four households in each building, six floors in each building, on the roster, the leftmost side is the building number, and the right side is the date, very clear.

I opened a few bags on the ground to inspect. The items inside were all exactly the same. They were not alike in terms of food type duplication, but in terms of the size, shape, weight, and even the tiny flaws on the outer leaves of the bok choy were exactly the same.

Just like a copy and paste, completely identical.

Although I don't have much common sense, I also know that there are no two identical snowflakes on Earth.

The bok choy, carrots, and pork belly in the bag, although rare, still made me feel uneasy.

But I couldn't help but take a bag of food and keep it by my side, then check it off on the roster.

These days, I have been going to the market, and now, the situation is not buying groceries, it's asking for groceries!

If I'm lucky, I wake up at 7 a.m., I can still buy two heads of Chinese cabbage.

If I'm unlucky, even if I wake up at 4 a.m., I can only buy a bulb of garlic.

In addition to the original cost of a few yuan per jin of vegetables, it's now increased many times, not to mention the exorbitant delivery fee.

What's in front of my eyes isn't a bag of supplies, it's a basket of money!

Under the current conditions, I have no qualifications to be picky.

There are so many bags, if I take them out to sell, I'm afraid I'll make a lot of money, right?

Suddenly, this thought came to me, but the next moment, I remembered the words in the text message.

[Don't be greedy, those who are greedy don't have a good ending!]

Forget it, I counted them, totaling 24 bags, corresponding to the 6 floors, with 4 units per floor.

So the evil thought that had just risen was quickly put down.

[Food is being distributed in the lobby, each family come down and take one bag! It will be gone after distribution! Finish by 12 noon.]

I sent this message in the group, not knowing when the group's prohibition had expired.

In order to make others believe, I even took a picture of the vegetables on the floor and sent it over.

[404]: Damn! Is the property out of their mind? They're actually giving us free vegetables! This must cost a lot of money!

[204]: Is this for real? I'm going downstairs to get them now!

[Building Manager]: Come quickly! Once distributed, it's gone! Tag everyone

I specifically reminded them just in case, after all, I wanted to finish and go back as soon as possible.

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly, the elevator door opened, and a few people came out and walked straight toward me.

Seeing that there was work to be done, I quickly started distributing and registering.

"Hey, Xiaobai, you're actually the building manager, good! We can look for you when we need something in the future!" said Aunt Zhang. She's a kind-looking middle-aged woman in her forties.

She lives in [503], which is next door to me. Hearing her praise, I felt a little embarrassed.

"But Aunt Zhang, if you're not feeling well, it's better not to eat meat for now."

"We don't know when we'll have more meat, so it's better to freeze it for later." I felt that this time's situation was a bit strange, so I reminded her again, to which Aunt Zhang nodded.

"OK, I'm a vegetarian anyway."

Several other households came, and they were all very friendly.

Until, that person showed up.

At that moment, the elevator rang again.

From the inside came a middle-aged woman with short hair. She had triangular eyes, and she immediately came over to me as she spoke.

"Are you the building manager? What's with this distribution? It shouldn't be one bag per family, it should be based on the number of people! I'm from 604, there are 5 people in our family! We won't have enough with just one bag!"

"Can I take an extra bag?" she asked in a query tone, but she wasn't polite at all, reaching out to take it directly.

Seeing her move, I quickly stepped forward to stop her.

"Sis, that's not right! These things are allocated, if you take more, others will have less!"

But after I finished speaking, the woman pointed at me and said:

"We just don't have enough! My husband has been constipated for three days!"

"You should understand this! And you're the building manager, you have a share too!"

"As the building manager, if you can't give me two bags, it's fine to split yours with mine!"

Facing the woman's aggressive demands, I really had no way to deal with it.

But I remembered the message in my phone and refused her request.

"Sister, this can't be done!"

"These things are given in certain quantities, I can't give you your share!"

I thought that by saying this, the woman would give up, but she completely didn't understand.

"This is unreasonable! I'm going to complain to the property management!"

As she spoke, the woman picked up two bags and left, getting into the elevator.

I wanted to follow, but she had already closed the door and I couldn't catch up!

"Sis! You can't do this!"

I tried to stop her, but the elevator was faster than me climbing the stairs.

When I got to her floor, she had already gone into her apartment.

There was nothing I could do, so I registered the 604th household, and then gave her my share.

When I distributed the rest, I stored the items and took them out from under the front desk after checking them off, and no one grabbed them from me again.

Soon, I finished distributing items to the 24 households in the building.


[Is everything really okay?]

I don't know why, but the phrase "Don't be greedy, those who are greedy have no good ending" continues to pop up in my head.
