【Damn it! Has my camera been hacked?】

Other than this, there's no other explanation for the situation I'm facing right now.

Otherwise, how could something suddenly appear at the door when there's no one around, and the doorbell keeps ringing?

I felt a sudden fear in my heart, so I instinctively started a video call with my best friend, Huang Meimei.

When I told her about this, Huang Meimei didn't believe me at all.

"Gedou, you again! Scaring me for traffic during the Chinese New Year. You're such a jerk!"

"Who's bored enough to trick you? Just take a look yourself! This surveillance footage is really strange!"

Huang Meimei is my only best friend.

We both work in the same city and have always been close.

Originally, this year we had planned to celebrate the New Year together if we didn't go home.

But due to the city-wide lockdown, we couldn't go anywhere, so we could only stay at our respective homes.

My video account is called "Genius Pigeon," so she has always called me Pigeon.

She is also a short video creator, just like me.

Usually, we often prank each other, so it's normal for her not to believe me at first.

But this time, I'm really not pranking her! She could see from my expression and trembling voice that something was wrong.

Finally, after confirming it in various ways, she believed me.

"Damn it! Gedou, you've really encountered a supernatural event!"

"Why don't you make a video? Maybe you can boost your performance at the end of the year!"

I hadn't thought about that, but after Huang Meimei reminded me, a brilliant idea flashed in my mind.

【That's right! Such a great topic, why wouldn't I make a video!】

As they say, money is hard to earn and hard to come by. If it weren't for a few pennies, who would be willing to work so far away from home?

Besides, during these few days of the New Year, I was also worried about how to maintain regular updates. This unexpected theme that came up is too good to miss!

So, with determination, I opened my equipment and started recording.

After the door opened, I was still a bit nervous, afraid that someone might be outside.

However, I waited for a while, but there was no movement outside, except for the package on the ground.

I picked up the package and quickly closed the door.

The delivery box was completely black, very clean, with no address information on it, just three words written on it - "For the building manager."

These words reminded me of a message I had just seen in the community group.

【Could this be the building manager's brand?】

While thinking this, I adjusted the equipment again and recorded the entire process of opening the package.

The delivery box was about the size of two palms, but inside, there was only a small ring and a note.

The ring had an eye-shaped design, with broken diamonds on the white part and a red gemstone on the eyeball.

To be honest, it looked pretty.

The note was written like this:

【This ring is the proof of the building manager's identity. Wearing it will prevent abnormal residents from harming you.】

【As the building manager, you must carry out the distribution of supplies and disinfection work. Failure to complete the tasks will result in elimination.】

【When your eyes turn completely black, you can use the ring to open the gate of the community and leave.】

Initially, I thought it was just a prank by some idiot in the building, but the ring was indeed beautiful, so I quickly put it on.

The moment I put it on, I felt a sharp pain from my chest, and then I received a private message from the property management on my phone.

The clearly written chat text had now turned blood-red.

【Building Manager's Tasks】

【1. On Monday morning at 8 o'clock, distribute food in the lobby on the first floor. Each household can only receive one bag. The food and sign-in sheet will be placed at the front desk of the firstfloor.】

【2. On Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, disinfect the elevators on each floor. Use the designated disinfectant and make sure to cover all areas.】

【3. On Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, patrol the community and report any unusual incidents.】

【4. On Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, organize a community event in the courtyard. Prepare games and activities for residents to participate in.】

【Please complete the tasks on time. Failure to do so will result in elimination.】

【Good luck, Building Manager.】

I was stunned. This couldn't be real, right? How could I suddenly become the building manager with all these tasks to complete?

I quickly replied to the property management in the chat, asking for an explanation.

But no matter how many messages I sent, there was no response.

I was starting to panic. The tasks seemed impossible to complete, especially the one about the eyes turning completely black. What did that mean?

I decided to call Huang Meimei again to tell her what was happening.

But when I looked at my phone, her contact name had changed. It now said "Supernatural Guide."

【What's going on?】

I hesitated for a moment before calling the number.

A strange voice answered the call.

"Welcome, building manager. I am the Supernatural Guide. Your current situation is not a prank. You have been chosen to fulfill the duties of the building manager. The tasks must be completed, or else there will be consequences."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This was beyond anything I had ever experienced.

"Who are you? Why me? What happens if I don't complete the tasks?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"All will be revealed in due time. Just remember, failure is not an option. Complete the tasks, and you will find your answers."

Before I could ask any more questions, the call ended.

I was left there, holding the strange ring and feeling the weight of the tasks ahead of me.

【What should I do? How did I get involved in all of this?】

As I stared at the ring and the note, I knew that my life was about to change in ways I couldn't even imagine.

Little did I know that this was just the beginning of a journey filled with supernatural encounters, mysteries, and a race against time to uncover the truth behind the building manager's tasks.

And so, with a mix of fear and determination, I embarked on this unexpected adventure as the building manager.
