Despite my several attempts to dissuade him,

I knew Xiao Zhang wouldn't give up easily,

so I had to bring him back to the house and take him to my husband's study.

The wooden box was brought back from the police station earlier this morning,

Xiao Zhang carefully examined the box inside and out,

finally locking his gaze onto the top of the box which had my husband's blood stains.

"Madam Song, don't you think these blood stains look like two words when viewed diagonally?"

I clenched my nails fiercely into my palm, stopping my body from trembling, and pretended to be indifferent as I replied, "I didn't see it. Anyway, the police didn't say anything when they inspected it."

Xiao Zhang nodded and began taking pictures of the box with his phone.

When he turned towards where I was standing, he brought his phone in front of me and asked, "Madam Song, don't you think these blood stains look like the words 'Ah Shi'?"

"No, I don't," I said as I averted my gaze from the photo.

"Do you or your husband know anyone named 'Ah Shi'?"

"No, I've never heard of anyone named 'Ah Shi'. You can investigate it yourself if you don't believe me."

After a few confrontations, it was clear that Xiao Zhang didn't believe what I had said,

but there was nothing more I could do to convince him,

so he left sullenly.

I sat in my husband's writing chair,

looking at the two words my husband had written before his death,

I knew he was cursing me,

calling me shameless, flirtatious, and shameless.

He was punishing me with the most special way,

inflicting a lifetime of damage on me.

I took out a lighter and quietly lit the secret letter he had left me.

As I watched my husband's handwriting burn to ashes bit by bit,

I recalled everything that had happened that afternoon,

My husband had discovered my affair with Sun Jianping a month ago,

we argued several times, and eventually filed for divorce a week before he had his accident.

When I returned home for the second time that afternoon around four o'clock,

I immediately found that my husband was trapped in a box,

and I rushed over to open the box.

My husband was already barely conscious and could hardly speak.

I was about to call 120,

but my husband grabbed my arm and pointed to his writing desk,

then shakily lifted the top of the box and closed it again.

I walked over to the desk, confused,

and saw a book marked with a bookmark titled "Akashi Appears" and a letter he had written.

After opening the letter, I understood why my husband was anxious to divorce me,

why he had been trapped in the box,

and how he would retaliate against me for betraying our marriage.

After reading the last word of the letter, I knew I would never open that box again,

and I could only watch indifferently as my husband suffocated to death.

The person in the box understood me so well,

and he left me with only one way out,

a torturous, apologetic path.

My tears flowed uncontrollably,

I couldn't explain whether I was scared, regretful, or guilty,

I only knew I had to escape from here,

to get away from this nightmare-like place.

When I thought of the book again,

it was already the second time the police had questioned me.

The police asked me if I was familiar with the name "Akashi",

and I said I had never heard of it.

When I returned to the office, I hurriedly took out the book from my husband's desk,

and the page marked by the bookmark was a short story titled "Akashi Appears".

The story described the heroine and her child playing hide-and-seek and being trapped in a wooden box,

while the wife who had an affair returned but didn't help them, leading to their deaths,

and the wife was named "Akashi".

I collapsed into the chair,

unable to help laughing,

I never thought that even after his death, he could curse me in such a way.

Suddenly I felt nauseous and began vomiting uncontrollably,

whenever I thought of the time when Sun Jianping and I were doing it in the warehouse while my husband was struggling to survive in the box, I would feel sick,

my husband seemed to be reminding me, "Don't expect to have a new romance, this kind of disgusting feeling will haunt you forever."
