Father secretly called Jiang Yuming to arrange a meeting.

The second meeting was still set at Xiangshui Restaurant.

Since it was a weekday, the teahouse's customers were rare and sparse.

I changed into a unisex outfit, wore a hat and a mask.

Boldly sitting at the nearest spot to them, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Mr. Zhang, are you saying someone is trying to murder you?"

Jiang Yuming sipped tea while glancing at Father.

"Yes, I received the fifth letter, and it actually had my name on it."

Out of fear, Father's expression at the moment was like a timid mouse.

"But that's not surprising." Jiang Yuming smiled faintly.

"I knew long ago that the next one would be you."


Father's face turned red with anger, pointing at the detective's nose and cursing.

"You bastard! I didn't hire you for your amusement. If you want a joke, you've got the wrong person!"

"Mr. Zhang, please don't be anxious, listen to what I have to say."

The detective calmly filled the teacup, unhurried.

"I hate people who beat around the bush the most, speak quickly if you have something to say!"

"First, answer me, did you kill Yang Mengting?"

Jiang Yuming held the teacup in his hand, gently rotating it.

"Nonsense! Do you think I am in the mood to joke about this now?"

"Don't rush to deny it, I have evidence."

Jiang Yuming took out a call log and spread it on the table.

"You called Yang Mengting's daughter, right? When I saw this call log, I wondered why you made this call."

"Combining those strange letters, it's not hard to guess that your purpose for calling was most likely to confirm whether Yang Mengting was dead, because this was related to you getting a windfall of seven hundred thousand yuan!"

"If I were you, maybe I would do the same, it's not surprising."

"Everyone has greed in their hearts. When the first letter allowed you to get seven hundred yuan without effort, the subsequent letters only strengthened that deep-seated desire to take advantage."

"Your appetite grew larger and larger, and by the fourth letter, when the reward reached seven hundred thousand yuan, you could no longer suppress your eager heart."

"You were in a hurry to call the deceased's family to confirm whether you could get that seven hundred thousand yuan. This is just human nature."

"With just one phone call, you want to pin the murder on me?" Father sneered.

"Pin it? No, Mr. Zhang, I'm just completing the job you entrusted to me! Based on the aforementioned logic, when you learned from the call that Yang Mengting was not dead, you decided to kill her."

"After all, only by killing Yang Mengting could you get seven hundred thousand yuan. You naively thought that as long as you killed Yang Mengting, you could get the money!"

"Unfortunately, your wishful thinking was wrong. You went through all the trouble to kill Yang Mengting, but the person who wrote to you reneged, and you didn't get a single cent!"

"It can be imagined that you were furious at missing out on a large sum of money, wanting to find out who was behind the letters, hoping they would keep their promise!"

"That's why you hired me to investigate this case, and you came to meet me alone because you were afraid your eldest daughter, Miss Zhang Nan, would know you committed murder. Am I right, Mr. Zhang?"

"Detective Jiang... I have the right to remain silent regarding your question! Please continue with your reasoning!"
