When I saw the unmarried man who was nearly forty at the village entrance, I couldn't help but shiver.

He smiled at me, raising one eyebrow.

Then he loudly shouted, "Xiao Ling is back, really becoming more and more beautiful as you grow older."

Seeing me remain silent, he continued, "Just don't know if you can give Uncle Jian a dollar?"

A dollar, it's always about a dollar.

The next day, the unmarried man was found dead in the wintery pond, unclothed.

Suddenly, I remembered that when I was a child, I couldn't write the character 'Ling' from my name and no one taught me until the third grade. So I always used the number 0 instead.

Back then, it took over an hour to get to school.

But I was happy because I could go to the town to attend primary school and see the world.

Because I always wanted to see more of the world, I pursued a law degree and ended up with a handsome and wealthy husband.

Because of the unmarried man found dead in the pond, the police found me.

My husband gently squeezed my hand and said, "The police are just here to ask some questions, don't be nervous, tell them everything that happened that day."

We sat side by side on the couch.

The police officer kept jotting down notes, maybe based on my expressions, maybe my actions.

I tried to pick up a glass of water to hand to the officer, but my right hand couldn't stop shaking.

To avoid alerting the police, I quickly used both hands to pick up the glass and offer it.

The police officer subtly examined my hand, then took the glass of water.

I hurriedly explained, "The air conditioning is on inside, so it's a bit cold."

My husband quickly got up and brought over a small blanket, draped it over my shoulders. He said gently, "My wife isn't feeling well, please forgive her, Officer Chen."

"Where were you both that night of the incident?"

I held the small blanket tightly around my body.

"My husband and I went to the village primary school to take a look around."

My husband also nodded beside me.

Officer Chen looked at us both, then continued, "From what time to what time?"

My husband replied, "Around six to eight o'clock in the evening."

Obviously, Officer Chen frowned at us, clearly this was a very specific time frame.

So precise, as if we had anticipated it.

"As far as I know, that primary school has been abandoned. Why did you go there? And why stay there for two hours? What did you do? Did you meet someone?"

I felt cold sweat uncontrollably beading on my forehead, my husband seemed to be in a strange mood.

He actually laughed, then took on a seemingly carefree look, "Officer, do you really want to know?"

This look was something I hadn't seen from him in the three years we've been married.

The tense atmosphere was suddenly broken, and the cold sweat on my forehead began to recede.

He has always been thoughtful and gentle.

Officer Chen seemed a bit taken aback, "Is there something you don't want to tell me?"

My husband reached out his long arm and embraced my shoulder, then said, "Nothing more than a proper married couple doing something improper outdoors. Officer, that's not against the law, is it?"

Officer Chen seemed surprised by the outcome.

The pen that was being used to write down notes hesitated for a moment.

With his generous hand gently rubbing my shoulder, my timid and feeble appearance was swept away.

A deadlock seems to have been reached in the conversation.

Officer Chen could only say, "Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any clues, please cooperate with the police investigation regarding the discovery of Wang Jian's body in the pond next to the school. If you have any information, please cooperate with the police investigation. Wang Jian disappeared

Not long ago the police has kept

My husband quickly recovered his normal demeanor and escorted Officer Chen to the door.

My nervous heart relaxed a little when I saw my husband's broad back, but I hoped he and the police would go together and never return.
