Aman Hotel, the most luxurious top-tier hotel in Vietnam, is located in the country's largest nature reserve, south of Nha Trang National Park.

This is a paradise for the wealthy, with up to 300 days of sunshine a year.

If it weren't for accompanying Brother Zhe on this transaction, I might never have set foot in this money pit in my entire life.

Nguyen Thi Que, 68 years old, the largest female drug lord in Vietnam, invited us for a detailed discussion.

Brother Zhe finally earned the admiration and trust of this mysterious old lady.

I understand the admiration; Brother Zhe twice escaped unscathed from the hands of Chinese police and even invested heavily to organize an unusual ball game to win her favor.

But they have just met, where does the trust come from?

Until I saw Flower Arm Lao Wu standing behind Nguyen Thi Que, with a cunning smile.

I deliberately suppressed my surprised expression. It turned out that Lao Wu, who had followed Brother Zhe for more than two years, was an undercover agent sent by the upper echelon!

What a clever move, Nguyen the Old Ghost had long intended to partner with Brother Zhe and had been secretly observing him for infallibility.

No wonder she handed over a first-tier contact within China to Brother Zhe so easily this time.

Nguyen Thi Que had been shrewd and cunning all her life. She was born into the family of the last queen of Vietnam and inherited the family business, dominating Vietnam's largest drug-producing area.

After the new Vietnamese government came to power and implemented anti-drug policies, her family turned to underground drug production and smuggling.

Using a gray network of relationships accumulated over generations, she built a massive drug empire, harming countless people.

The most shocking thing Nguyen Thi Que did was at 42 years old when the government arrested her and sentenced her to death.

Just two months before her execution, she bribed a prison guard to obtain sperm from the male inmate area and successfully got pregnant.

With the protection of the fetus, her death sentence was commuted to a prison sentence and later reduced to parole.

After these maneuvers, she went into hiding, resuming her old trade and becoming a behind-the-scenes boss.

She was so deeply hidden that even people in the underworld couldn't tell whether she was male or female.

Brother Zhe held Nguyen Thi Que in utmost admiration; the usually arrogant and domineering Brother Zhe had to swallow his pride and submit to the female boss.

The meeting lasted less than half an hour before Nguyen Thi Que hurriedly left under the protection of her entourage.

The subsequent transaction was to be completed by Flower Arm Lao Wu and his subordinates and us.

50 kilograms of heroin, neatly packed in a high-end Samsonite suitcase.

And the US dollars we had to pay were enough to make the transaction's price nearly perfect.

But just as Brother Zhe and I were about to turn away fully loaded, a man in black suddenly blocked the door.

"What's hidden under your shoe heel?"

I froze on the spot. Did he discover my pinhole wiretap?

Flower Arm Lao Wu instantly drew his gun, a pitch-black Type 54 pistol as if conjured out of thin air.


Before Brother Zhe could finish calling my name, I launched a swift high whip kick, causing Flower Arm Lao Wu's gun to fall immediately.

No matter how strong and powerful his upper body was, it couldn't compete with the decisive killing power of my "golden right leg"!

In a split second, several men in black raised their guns towards us.

Brother Zhe had already taken a step ahead, picking up the gun and aiming it at Lao Wu's temple!

No door, no matter how sturdy, could withstand forced explosives.

In the nick of time, the door exploded with a "boom."

"Don't move! You are all surrounded!"

Shouts in Chinese and Vietnamese rang out almost simultaneously.

Again, that familiar voice!

I turned my head to look, damn it, why is it you again?

Yellow Hair!
