Teng Zi is naturally "Teng Yu". People here don't like to call others by their full names.

I once asked Aunt Zhang about Teng Zi's full name, and she teased me at the time.

But Aunt Zhang decisively told me that Teng Zi is "Teng Yu".

Every time I think about this, I feel like I'm going crazy.

I want to go back and find out the truth, but I simply can't escape.

This room, the door, and the windows are all locked.

Even when I need to go to the bathroom, "Teng Yu" follows right behind me.

It is already 2 a.m.

The village night is very quiet. I stare at the moonlight outside the window, my eyes getting sore, and sleepiness overcomes me.

Suddenly, I hear a slight sound outside the wooden door, as if someone is unlocking it.

I sit up, looking at the door with a guarded expression.

My intuition tells me the person outside is not "Teng Yu".

Sure enough, my intuition is correct.

Unexpectedly, it is Hei Wazi, because I am not familiar with him.

He opens the door and takes me out.

We take a detour and run out of the village.

Along the way, Hei Wazi tells me that everyone in the village has gone to the cave tonight, including "Teng Yu".

Since no one was around, he seized the opportunity to let me out.

He says if I don't escape now, I will die.

I have many questions for Hei Wazi, but there is no time to waste.

Hei Wazi guides me to a spot several hundred meters from the village entrance, pointing to a small road on the right that leads to the highway.

I run for a long time, and in the moonlight, I see a pitch-black asphalt road.

With a face full of joy, I wonder if I have escaped?

Standing in the middle of the road, I turn in circles and finally decide to run west.

Dawn breaks, and a truck approaches from the front.

I hurriedly extend my hand to stop the vehicle.

The driver wears a straw hat and a mask, making it hard for me to see his expression.

The man gets out; he is dressed like an elderly person in long sleeves and pants. His silhouette seems familiar to me.

He opens the back compartment, and I see a dark red coffin and a young woman on one side of the compartment.

At that moment, I feel a sense of realization and step back, turning to run.

My collar is suddenly grabbed from behind.

The driver removes his mask, revealing "Teng Yu's" face.

The voice of the young woman sounds very familiar. She is playing with a piece of human skin and pins a silver snake hairpin on the back of her head.

She is indeed Aunt Zhang!

"Teng Yu" ties me up with a rope and stuffs a piece of cloth into my mouth.

"Teng Yu" no longer has the gentleness of our first meeting on his face.

He and the delicate-looking woman push me into the redwood coffin together.

The woman crouches over the coffin, touches my face with her fingers, and smiles wickedly.

"What a beautiful face. Wouldn't it be great if it were on mine."

Lying in the coffin, I squirm and make muffled sounds.

The woman looks at "Teng Yu" with a cheery smile.

“Hey, how about I remove the cloth from her mouth? Since she's just a test subject, she won't live long anyway. Let her scream for a few more days; it doesn't matter.”

I widen my eyes and look at "Teng Yu".

"Teng Yu" stares at me in silence for a few seconds and then removes the cloth from my mouth.

“Who exactly are you? Why are you doing this?”

"Teng Yu" does not answer and jumps out from the back compartment to the front of the truck.

The truck starts again.

The woman sits by, playing with a phone that is clearly mine.

I realize that I may not escape this time, so I relax my body.

Looking at the woman, I speak in a low voice, "Since I'm going to die anyway, why not let me die quickly?"

Her hand playing with the phone pauses slightly.

"Do you want to know the truth?"


She raises her hand and taps her chin. I think she will speak.

She looks at me with disdain and a bit of disgust, "Then go ask your lover."
