Just like that, Wang Bo told me his story.

That day, after we parted ways at the train station, he took a taxi to the town to meet a client.

The journey took over two hours; Wang Bo wanted to take a nap, but he couldn't fall asleep.

Being a sociable person, Wang Bo decisively decided to have a small talk worth fifty cents with the taxi driver.

The two of them quickly hit it off. The driver initially wore a mask, but Wang Bo didn't like wearing masks.

So, after consulting Wang Bo, the driver took his mask off.

He looked to be in his thirties, and like Wang Bo, he was a bit chubby, with a well-groomed beard.

Then Wang Bo talked about the incident he had on the train with me.

He repeated everything I had said to the driver.

He laughed as he mimicked me.

In the end, Wang Bo concluded, "I actually think, brother, if you shaved your beard, we'd really look quite alike."

The driver was laughing heartily, but upon hearing this, he kept turning his head to look at Wang Bo's face while driving.

This made Wang Bo nervous, so he reminded the driver, "Brother, be careful while driving."

Just as Wang Bo finished speaking, something really happened.

The driver suddenly hit the brakes hard.

Unprepared, Wang Bo was thrown forward.

The speed wasn't too high, so the airbag didn't deploy.

Wang Bo was feeling relieved when suddenly he felt a heavy blow to the back of his head.

He lost consciousness.

What happened afterward, Wang Bo naturally did not know.

When he woke up again, he found himself locked in a small room.

His bag, phone, ID card, and everything he carried, including the driver, were all gone.

Another realization was that he seemed to have lost his memory.

He didn't know who he was, what his name was, where he was from, or where he was going.

All his memories started from meeting me on the train, talking to me, then taking the taxi, and ending at fainting.

The third discovery was that the back of his head was hurting, though it wasn't broken, just a big bump.

Additionally, there was a new wound near his chin on the left side of his face, still bleeding.

Finally, he also discovered that this small room was like a large storage room.

There were no windows, the door was iron and locked from the outside.

No matter how he kicked the door or shouted, no one responded.

There was a bottle of water on the floor, and nothing else.

He had to relieve himself in a corner of the room.

It wasn't until two days later that someone appeared and brought him half a boxed meal and a bottle of water.

The person who delivered the food was wearing a mask, not tall, and slightly chubby.

Wang Bo didn't resist for a straightforward reason: the person held a shining knife.

Having starved for two days, Wang Bo could hardly stand.

From then on, this person would come every afternoon, bringing half a boxed meal and a bottle of water.

Wang Bo knew this person must be the driver, although he wore a mask.

Wang Bo himself could speak, but that person never spoke to Wang Bo, just left the stuff and went.

Whenever Wang Bo got anxious, the person would wave the knife as a reminder.

A month later, Wang Bo was already bordering on madness.

Not just from hunger, but also fear, or rather loneliness.

Another reason was,

after a month of this ordeal, he had gone from slightly chubby to thin.

While the driver who brought food, his body shape kept in sync with Wang Bo's.

Like a mirror.

The only difference was, the driver clearly shaved his beard, while Wang Bo had grown one.

One day, the driver didn't come to deliver food.

Wang Bo waited until evening, and still, no one came. At that moment, he realized the iron door wasn't locked.

So, he escaped.

He found himself in an abandoned village on a mountaintop.

Stumbling in the dark, he walked for several hours and found another abandoned village halfway down the mountain, finding a house to stay in.

Before falling asleep, he found a wanted poster in his pocket with the name of the person wanted: Liu Shaobing.

He didn't know when it had been put there.

After looking at the wanted poster for a while, he also found a mirror on the wall.

Looking into the mirror, he saw a face identical to the one on the wanted poster.

Dark, thin, with scars.

And eyes filled with anger, despair, and confusion.

Wang Bo was bewildered. Who was this person in the mirror?
