"He must have attracted the evil spirits, we should kill him."

"I object. Killing that police officer was already risky enough. If we kill him too, the police will definitely target us."

I was dragged into the ancestral hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on me, waiting for the upcoming judgment.

"I told you he should have been killed earlier." Qin Yong held up the paper with my listed clues. "He already knows the secret of the village."

I pretended to still be unconscious, listening to their discussion.

"The person who leaks secrets must personally eliminate the evidence."

"So who among us leaked the secret?"

"Li Jin, probably. After all, it was him who told Xu Yahui back then. He's just a big mouth."

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes turned to Li Jin.

"It wasn't me. The one who leaked the news must be the person who was willing to saw off a tree to keep him here."

Li Jin unlocked my phone using my fingerprint and pulled up my chat records with Zhao Han.

"He's the police officer's son. He asked someone to investigate us, so killing him now is useless."

"Damn it!" The men glared, their eyes bloodshot.

Qin Yong motioned for everyone to stay calm and gave me a seemingly kind smile.

"You have two choices now: die or join us."

I sneered and smiled at him, "Dream on!"

I am the son of a police officer, and that’s my greatest pride.

Qin Yong got enraged, and his fists rained down on me.

I passed out, and they woke me up with water, then started a new round of torture.

They whipped me with chili water-soaked whips, pulled out my nails, and even chopped off one of my fingers.

During the repeated torment, I alternated between consciousness and unconsciousness.

But I would never surrender.

Zhao Han already had suspicions about the village and would come over once the rain stopped. They were eager for me to join them to prove to Zhao Han that everything was just my imagination.

As long as the rain stopped, it would be a victory.

This thought kept me going.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Yong told them to stop. His furious expression had turned calm.

"Do you have a younger sister named Fang Qian?"

Hearing Qian Qian's name, I was suddenly taken aback.

"Do you want to know her whereabouts?"

A demon is called a demon not only because he likes to torture people's bodies but also because he knows how to grasp one's weaknesses, making a person completely relinquish all pride and dignity.

My weakness is my missing sister.
