I am Zhou Jin.

Everyone thinks that He Li, Zhang Jiao, and I are inseparable buddies.

I used to think so too, but it changed after that time when I helped Zhang Jiao in a fight and missed my chance with the foster family.

When I rushed out to fight those kids, I genuinely wanted to help Zhang Jiao.

But later, every time I saw a family of three holding hands on the street, I would secretly feel sad.

I know it's not his fault.

But if it weren't for Zhang Jiao, I would have had a family too.

You all think I'm too young and that this matter has passed, but it never really passed; it often resurfaces to sting me.

I feel that Zhang Jiao came to our orphanage to ruin me.

Before he came, you and I were the best of buddies. But after he got involved, you might not even realize it yourself—you've come to prefer hanging out with him.

You probably don't remember this, but there was one time, I think we were in third grade, you two were talking about something, and when I wanted to join in, you both immediately closed up and started talking about something else deliberately.

You and he had secrets you couldn't share with me.

That scared me; I had no family, no friends, and after Zhang Jiao came, I felt like I was going to lose even you.

I felt neglected.

Even later, when we went to vocational high school, the most beautiful girl in our grade, the one who had me at first sight, turned out to like him.

Then that guy rejected her and even boasted to me about how her personality wasn't good... What's he showing off for?

Damn it, why, why is it always him?

So every time the three of us hung out afterward, I felt terrible.

I couldn't stand seeing him get so close to you, I couldn't stand how smooth his life was.

Clearly, because of him, I could have had a home.

Later on, I unexpectedly got a great offer from the business world. I was doing quite well, and the future seemed promising.

But I happened to see something I shouldn't have.

We employees were usually not allowed to go into Director Fang's office, but one time I went back to the orphanage to handle some paperwork and brought some local specialties with me. I thought I'd be clever and give some to Director Fang.

After all, at that time, I thought he was not only my benefactor but also a genuinely good person.

Coincidentally, his door wasn't locked that day.

I pushed open the door and was suddenly hit by a strong smell of blood.

I thought something had happened to Director Fang, so I quickly walked in.

There was another door inside, this one.

Director Fang was standing there, wearing a mask and holding a knife, cutting into a naked body on the table in front of him.
