Four hundred thousand, it's the bride price Chen Taotao asked for, and also the bride price Lin An'an asked for back then.

The Lin family had long squandered the money over the years and had no way to come up with four hundred thousand.

As expected, Detective Liu sent a message that Lin Chenglong and Shen Bing went out at different times on the same day. Judging by the routes, their destination was the same abandoned villa as last time.

Lin Chenglong arrived at the place first, pacing back and forth anxiously.

Shen Bing arrived fifteen minutes later.

Lin Chenglong once again used the video in his hand to threaten Shen Bing, demanding thirty-five thousand from him.

The two had a fierce argument.

"Don't forget how my sister died; I have evidence!"

"As long as I hand the video to the police, you can forget about having a good life for the rest of your days!"

Lin Chenglong continuously taunted Shen Bing.

Shen Bing, in a fit of rage, pulled out a rope from his pocket and looped it around Lin Chenglong's neck.

The rope tightened more and more, and Lin Chenglong struggled desperately.

Lin Chenglong's face turned red, and he was about to lose his breath.

From a nearby bush, Feng Xiuqi charged out and subdued Shen Bing.

As soon as Lin Chenglong had left home, I had already contacted Feng Xiuqi to set up an ambush here.

Everything that just happened was recorded by me in its entirety.

Feng Xiuqi contacted his colleagues, who then escorted Shen Bing and Lin Chenglong to the police station.

I also went to the police station with Feng Xiuqi to give a statement.

Feng Xiuqi and I presented a unified front to the public.

We claimed that we were meeting secretly in the villa area and just happened to witness the transaction between Lin Chenglong and Shen Bing, and also conveniently recorded everything.

Everything was simply the actions of "concerned citizens" who happened to come across the scene, recorded it as evidence, and reported it to the police.
