The money allowed me to successfully attend the high school in the city, and my excellent entrance exam scores allowed me to enter the best experimental class in this high school.

In fact, whether it was an experimental class or not, I didn't really care, but what made me very happy was Teacher Zhang. She is the head teacher of this class.

She has given me so much help.

When I first started school, I couldn't even afford exercise books and textbooks. It was she who lent me money and helped me enthusiastically. She also helped me solve a very important problem – living expenses.

Teacher Zhang introduced me to the owner of a small restaurant near the school, allowing me to tutor her daughter in junior high school knowledge. On weekends when the school cafeteria was closed, the owner would enthusiastically invite me to dine with her and her daughter at the restaurant.

With the leftover money, Teacher Zhang helped me open a bank account and kept the money well-preserved.

Every time I went to deposit money and saw the numbers increase, I felt a strange pleasure. The increase in those numbers made me as happy as the rise in my grade point average.

Perhaps this was the capital I needed to escape the fate of being “sold.”

I had been trapped in the cellar and the mountains for too long.

So I had to do everything possible to escape from here.

This made me study desperately.

Since the moment I returned, I've been desperately reviewing the knowledge I had learned, but after being locked up for so long, some things inevitably became rusty.

It took me over a year, reviewing the old while accepting new knowledge.

The high school in the city was very different from the one in the county, with significant differences in pace and content. Besides tutoring, I almost filled every moment of my school time.

During winter and summer vacations, I also tried to consolidate my learning during breaks from work.

This was my only opportunity to escape.
