The police conduct investigations based on evidence, and the court delivers verdicts based on evidence.

But public opinion doesn't need evidence.

Everyone seems to act like Bao Qingtian, believing they have the right to convict others.

Just like now, I've already been nailed to the pillar of shame!

All kinds of rumors, hearsay, and conspiracy theories are rampant.

Everyone speaks with conviction, swearing that Liu Li's disappearance is inseparably related to me.

A male superior meeting a female subordinate late at night?

It must be an unspoken rule!

A man who doesn't go home and stays at the factory every day?

He must be having an affair!

Although no rumor can explain how a living person simply vanished.

But it must be that I used some insane method to make her disappear!

For instance, there's a husband in Hangzhou who killed his wife and dismembered her body.

People say I followed his example, and now Liu Li's body is in the sewer.

Some even imply that illegal organ trading is rampant on the black market.

I supposedly sold Liu Li like a piglet.

Exhausted, I left the police station and returned to the factory gate.

A crowd had gathered at the entrance.

Many people were holding devices to take photos and videos.

They've been gathering here for some time.

They're netizens from all corners.

Some genuinely want to uncover the truth.

But I see more people here just to ride the wave and boost their traffic.

Like those few online influencers posing and dolling themselves up.

They've practically turned this place into a check-in landmark.

In the first few days, these people tried to interview me, but after repeated refusals, they now only secretly take photos from a distance.

Honestly, I thought about taking some time off to avoid this turmoil.

But then I thought, an innocent person remains innocent!

I haven't done anything heinous, so why should I hide?

Doesn't that make me look guilty?

So despite being in the eye of the storm, I kept going to work.

"Hehehe, it's hard to say about this matter... After all, we aren't the police, right? So I'm just talking casually, and you just listen casually. I'm not responsible if I'm wrong. Our Director Huang here, his work capability is unquestionable! Diligent and responsible, he treats the factory as his home! Especially when it comes to caring for subordinates, particularly the pretty female subordinates! Truly considerate and attentive! Sometimes I say: Old Huang, shouldn't you spend more time with your wife when you have a moment? And what does Director Huang say? He says he has only one wife but hundreds of female workers! He'd rather let his wife be lonely than let the factory girls feel neglected! Look at his dedication!"

It was our workshop's deputy director Wu Bin, talking boastfully to several phones.

His words were sarcastic, sharp, and slanderous, essentially throwing dirt on me!

Before the incident, he obeyed me in every manner, was very attentive!

Ha, flattering the strong and kicking the weak, adding insult to injury, is this human nature?

Will tarnishing my reputation make him the director?
