The "Serial Ripper Case" has been reopened.

However, due to manpower issues, the municipal bureau only assigned Chen Wei to reopen the investigation.

After applying to the state media leadership, I got the opportunity to continue following the case for reports.

Rather than simply reporting on the case, I was practically part of the investigation.

Now, the reinvestigation of this case only has Chen Wei on it.

Although I'm not a criminal investigator, I became his sole comrade at this time.

A large pile of case files stored in the archive room was dug out and stacked together with newly collected data.

Since it was already speculated that the murderer's motive was revenge, we screened the victims of the human organ trafficking group one by one.

We searched for possible suspects among the victims' families.

I finally had access to the materials of the human organ trafficking group case, and the abundance of photos and information sent chills down my spine.

We investigated the victims' families day and night.

But most of the victims still lacked specific information, with only a photo or even just a name.

From early morning to late at night, we buried ourselves in the vast amount of archival data.

Occasionally, we needed to go out to conduct some visits.

A week passed, and there was no progress in the case.

Another late night at the municipal bureau, I rubbed my sore shoulders and struggled to lift my head.

My eyes were aching and certainly bloodshot by now.

The exhaustion over the past few days made me almost want to give up on the investigation.

But I glanced at Chen Wei across from me; he was still meticulously screening the data.

Recalling the grand words when we reopened the case, I could only rub my eyes and continue looking for clues.

At this moment, my eyes fell on a photo on the table.

This photo showed a young girl undergoing an organ removal surgery.

I had looked at the photo several times but had no deep impression because we couldn't find the corresponding victim.

But this time, the young girl seemed very familiar to me, as if I had seen her somewhere before.

Looking more closely, the girl had a pale face, and there was a tiny tear-shaped mole under her closed eyes.

A sudden flash of memory hit me, and a specific image came to mind.

I quickly searched through my phone and finally found an old photo.

This photo was a family picture of Pei Jianye.

The young girl in the family picture also had a tiny tear-shaped mole under her eye.

Holding up the two photos for comparison, the face shape, nose, and mouth of the two girls were almost identical.

However, one had a pale face with closed eyes, showing a pained expression.

The other had bright eyes and white teeth, laughing happily under the sun.

My head was buzzing; it took me a long time before I could shout in a hoarse voice:

"Chen... Chen Wei, I found a clue..."

Chen Wei's bloodshot eyes moved between the two photos.

After a while, he lifted his head with shock and excitement in his eyes:

"Let's go!"

Before I could react, he dragged me out of the municipal bureau.

We started the car and headed straight to Pei Jianye's hometown.

Pei Jianye had left Kun City and returned to his hometown after the "counter-kill case".

Although it was early morning and we hadn’t had a proper rest for days and nights, I wasn't the least bit tired at this moment; instead, I felt a tinge of excitement.

At the same time, I had many questions.

Why was Pei Jianye, another main figure in the "counter-kill case", linked to the "serial ripper case"?

What role did Pei Jianye play in these cases?

These mysteries could only be solved by finding him.
