I hate Wang Tiantian immensely.

Just like I hate Xu Haolong, Ma Jie, Hu Mo, and Yu Dola.

I have survived until now driven by the hatred for these five names.

I used to be a happy child, at least before my mother committed suicide.

Although I didn't have a father, my mother gave me all the love she could.

I never felt any different from children with both parents.

Twelve years ago, I was still in sixth grade.

The teacher was still lecturing in front of the blackboard when the head teacher came in, interrupted, and hurriedly took me out of the classroom.

He said my mother jumped off a building and committed suicide.

Because she was accused of molesting students.

I didn't believe it.

But I really saw my mother's corpse in the funeral home.

A bloated, lifeless corpse.

At that time, I didn't fully understand what had happened. I only knew that I no longer had a mother.

But that wasn't all.

Overnight, my world collapsed.

Everyone came to blame me, laugh at me, exclude me.

I temporarily stayed at the head teacher's house, but I couldn't stay there forever.

My father didn't come to take me. He possibly


In any case, I became an orphan and moved into an orphanage.

My home with my mother was gone, taken by her relatives.

I knew my mother was innocent.

A teacher who prepares lessons and grades papers until midnight every day, who wouldn't take a day off even with a high fever, who would give her breakfast to students who couldn't afford to eat—I didn't believe she would molest students.

However, from the time I was in sixth grade, Zhang Tianyuan's name was permanently labeled with molesting students.

In every class I was in, there would be whispers behind my back.

"Look, that's the daughter of the female teacher who molested students."

At first, I would get angry, argue, fight, and explain.

Later, I understood it was useless.

With my mother's suicide, this baseless accusation became a settled conclusion. She was forever nailed to the pillar of shame.

Due to this disgraceful "reputation," the school was unwilling to take responsibility for her death. They only gave a "humanitarian" condolence money of 100,000 yuan, emphasizing that it was "condolence money," not "compensation." Because the school was not at fault.

So who was at fault?

Was it my mother's fault?

But she only confiscated a few students' phones, trying to discipline them to study well.

It was this small trigger that led to her death.
