Hui Neng couldn't resist, so Ye started looking for old files that couldn't be found.

If I find the stone tablet as proof, it will surely reveal the truth.

Ye used his chairman's status to ask the staff to open the old library. The uncorrected materials of the old library were kept in this large one.

Ye asked Fuzi to start searching separately.

The lights in the old library were dim, and a musty smell mixed with a slight odor of dust.

After searching for who knows how long, Fuzi suddenly patted Ye excitedly, shaking an old file folder in his hand with an excited look on his face, marked with the words "Huizhi School Annals (1911-1971)".

Huizhi was the old name of Ye's school.

The two of them took the folder and went to a corner of the new library to check it carefully.

Ye still didn’t know that something even more terrifying than ghosts was hidden inside.

The school history recorded the events from its inception, first half in classical Chinese and half in vernacular, but there was a large gap from 1937 to 1945. According to the introduction, it seemed that the school was requisitioned during those years, causing the suspension of operations.

Subsequent records were relatively normal.

Just as Ye was immersed in his research, a loud roar suddenly sounded above his head: "What are you looking at?!"

Ye was so scared that he jumped, looking up to see it was the old principal.

His face was furious: "These are important historical relics of the school, prepared to be archived and donated to the city museum. How can you just take them out?"

Ye thought, "Didn't the staff tell you we are reading this?" Turning around, he found that Fuzi had disappeared. Ye respectfully returned the files.

Back to finding Fuzi, he found the boy was sitting there with a cheeky smile. Ye was so furious he almost hit him.

"Why did you sneak away and not tell me?"

"I didn't know you were so afraid of the old principal. He had caught me skipping school before. I was about to call you just now, don't worry, look at what I found!"

He shook a few yellowed papers in his hand, looking much like the ones in the file.

Ye quickly stuffed the papers into his backpack and walked back to the dormitory.

Upon opening them, it turned out to be the old layout of the school, marking the location of the stone tablet.

"Not bad, kid. How did you take these?"

"What taking? I saw it on the ground; you must have dropped it while you were reading the file just now."

Upon careful study, they made an amazing discovery.

According to the labeled map, there were seven black dots around the stone tablet arranged like the Big Dipper constellation.

"Tian Gang Beidou formation!" They both exclaimed in unison, then laughed together.

This formation, seen in the novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" by Jin Yong, how could it exist in reality?

But they didn't dwell on it, deciding to investigate further. Late at night, they sneaked onto the old stone tablet.

Borrowing a shovel from the maintenance master, they found the black dot position on the map and started digging!

After digging about half a meter deep, they indeed hit something hard.

Fuzi shone his flashlight, revealing something shiny. Digging a bit more, they unearthed a small brown glass bottle.

There really was a hidden secret!

They quickly continued digging and found six similar brown glass bottles around the seven points, with the seventh one shattered but appearing similar to the others.

Things just got stranger and stranger.

Back in the dormitory, Ye carefully examined the six bottles under the lamp one by one.

They looked like medicine bottles sealed tightly with wax and wooden stoppers, containing something powdery.

Could it be poison? But how could poison be buried in the shape of the Big Dipper?

Fuzi insisted that they keep it a secret, saying that their own investigation would be more exciting.

They planned to visit Granny Hua the next day to learn more about the school's history, and to continue studying the remaining files.

That night, Ye had a terrifying nightmare: a little girl dressed in period clothes crouched next to the stone tablet, crying. When he tried to pull her, her face turned into a black hole, sucking him in.

He woke up in shock, finding himself lying on the desk with a red paper pen next to his hand!

Damn it! Is there really a female ghost trying to haunt me?

Right after class in the afternoon, Ye rushed to Granny Hua's house, showing her the six bottles.

She examined them for a long time with her reading glasses, then took a compass out from inside her house.

As soon as it approached the bottles, the compass started spinning wildly!

Granny Hua's face changed: "Kid, things like this attract ghostly energy. Your school is likely haunted and it could be related to these things!"

Ye was left in a daze.

"This compass reacts to magnetic fields and the amount of negative energy. If the negative energy exceeds normal levels, its needle will spin around."

Seeing that Ye still didn't fully understand, Granny Hua explained, "These bottles could contain some unclean thing. Wherever there's a lot of negative energy, ghosts are attracted. You mentioned the seven bottles arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper, it was probably meant to use dark magic to attract ghosts."

"So, the ghost seen by Fuzi at my back, it's all real? Created by those bottles?"

At this point, Ye started to believe in ghosts.

"It's very likely. These things will definitely attract ghosts. But since one bottle is shattered, its power will weaken. As for why it attaches to you, it could be because of your birth time, or some karmic relationship, or because you are physically weaker."

"Now that I dug up the bottles, will the female ghost still haunt me?"

Granny Hua pondered for a moment, then took out a piece of yellow talisman paper, dipped a brush in cinnabar, and drew some complicated symbols.

She also handed Ye a bronze mirror engraved with the Eight Trigrams pattern.

"Remember, this yellow paper with the 'Purification Spell' written in cinnabar will dispel negative energy. Wrap the bottles with it and bury them back in their original places, including the broken one. Position the bronze mirror facing the South under the stone tablet, it will ensure your safety."

Ye went back, having only heard of such talismans in legends and folklore before.

Seeing Ye hesitate, Granny Hua smiled kindly, "Normally, I shouldn't teach you youngsters these 'superstitious' things, but there are some things in nature that science can't explain. Have you heard the saying, 'Do you believe in aliens and ghosts?' What’s your answer?"

"I believe both!"

Before, Ye only believed in aliens, but after all these strange events, he started believing in ghosts too.

Returning to school, Ye followed Granny Hua's instructions, wrapping the bottles, including the broken one, with yellow talisman paper and secretly buried them back in their original positions.

That night, there were no more ghostly occurrences, and Ye slept soundly for the first time in a while.
