"No!" I suddenly realized, a moment of horror washing over me.

Rush out and fight her?

No way!

She carries a sedative spray with her; rushing out would be walking right into her trap!

Better to call the police.

At this point, there's no other choice!

I tried to calm my pounding heart, then picked up the phone to dial the emergency number.

"Hello! Is this the police? I want to report a crime! I found my neighbor committing murder!"

I hid behind the sofa, trying my best to keep my voice down.


After a long pause, a deep voice came from the other end of the line.

"Yes! I saw it with my own eyes! She found out! Now she's trying to kill me to silence me!"

"Don't panic, give me the address, we'll send someone right away."

The calm voice on the other end soothed my fear.

The dispatcher noted my address and gave me a few instructions before the other end went silent.

However, the call wasn't disconnected.

At this moment, footsteps got closer, and I heard the sound of unlocking at the door.

My heart pounded faster.

I rushed to press against the door, but it was of no use.

Lin Jia's strength was terrifying, it wasn't human strength!

The gap in the door grew wider and Lin Jia's pallid face came into my sight. In the darkness, her eyes glowed with a ghostly green light.

"What the hell is this thing?!" I cursed internally in horror.

The dispatcher said the police would be here soon; I needed to find a way to buy some time!

"Let's talk this out, don't do this."

"After all, this is my house. If they find a dead body here, I won't be able to rent it out anymore."

"I can help you cover it up, as long as you don't kill me, we can work something out."

Just delay her a bit more! Even ten minutes! Just until the police arrive!

This was my only hope.

But Lin Jia's strength only increased, I couldn't hold out much longer!

I racked my brain to stall her, but no matter what I said, Lin Jia didn't respond.

Just when I thought she wouldn't answer, Lin Jia spoke—

"You called the police, didn't you?"

Lin Jia's opening words shattered my ruse.

My heart tightened, I quickly said, "Of course not!"

"If you're trying to buy time for the police to arrive, you might as well give up."

Lin Jia took out a phone, on the screen was a call interface with the microphone muted.

She turned off the mute, and then her voice came through my phone.

"The person on the phone with you was me."
