A hotel in the provincial capital.

"The alarm is lifted, we can go off duty now." Zhang Weihua let out a long sigh of relief.

Our team is the real personal guard!

This was Zhang Weihua's plan, to create the illusion that Zhao Dabao was in the safe house of the city bureau building, luring the killer to strike. The real Zhao Dabao was secretly escorted to this hotel in the provincial capital.

We escorted Zhao Dabao downstairs, trying to appear relaxed, but we all felt heavy-hearted. Only Zhao Dabao was genuinely happy.

"Captain Cao, do you think our actions are just?"

Sun Lili suddenly asked an out-of-the-blue question.

"Nonsense, of course it's just!" Zhang Weihua frowned, "Zhao Dabao is still a child. He made a mistake and has been punished by the law. We have an obligation to give him a chance to reform and make him a useful person in society."

"But... what about Chen Jiayi and Chen Xiaoya? What about their chances?" Sun Lili muttered.

Zhang Weihua was momentarily speechless. Fortunately, his phone rang again at that moment. He answered it with a smile, but his expression gradually became serious, staring directly at me.

Zhao Dabao suddenly stumbled and lunged towards the large glass window at the stairway landing.

The glass window unbelievably cracked, and Zhao Dabao screamed as he fell.

I leaped forward, grabbing Zhao Dabao's sweater tightly. The team members rushed up, trying to help me.

Zhao Dabao cried out, "Save me, give me a chance, I will be a good person."

Tears suddenly welled up in my eyes.

The sweater, unable to bear Zhao Dabao's 160-pound weight, tore in my hands.

With a long wail, Zhao Dabao fell onto the concrete ground on the first floor, motionless.

Chen Jiafei, charged with provoking trouble, sentenced to two years in prison.

Lu Juncheng, charged with provoking trouble, sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for two years.

Lin Kexin, charged with provoking trouble, sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for one year.

Jia Feng, charged with dereliction of duty and obstructing official business, sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for one year, and administratively dismissed.

Jia Yanhua, insufficient evidence, acquitted.

Chen Guanghua (Chen Jiayi's father, former director of the Meteorological Bureau), reprimanded for inadequate oversight and erroneous approvals, received a demerit and early retirement.

Deng Xier (Lin Kexin's cousin, 110 dispatcher), reprimanded for dereliction of duty and leaking secrets, received a major demerit.

Director Zhang, Deputy Director Wang, retired due to health reasons.

Captain Liu, transferred to the police station as an instructor.

Even Principal Zhang Weihua stepped down from the pedestal, now in charge of logistics at the Police Academy.

I, Cao Xiaoqi, due to insufficient work ability, was transferred from the Criminal Police team.

In utter despair, I decided to resign and seek development elsewhere.

Before leaving, I decided to fulfill my last wish. I found Xiaoya's grandparents, asking them to let me take Xiaoya for the best treatment. Director Chen and his wife were moved by my sincerity and agreed to my request. They, along with Lin Kexin and Lu Juncheng, came to the airport to see me off.

While saying goodbye, an unexpected guest arrived!
