"They ingested dichloride bisulfate methyl ester salt. They look fine now, but it's irreversible."

Seeing me still in a daze, Zhang Weihua added, "It's paraquat. Although the intake wasn't large, it's been too long; there's no chance now."

Now I understood. Paraquat, known as the "king of poisons," gives you time to regret but no chance to survive. Ingesting more than 10mL, no matter how you wash your stomach or intestines, even if you're a billionaire and can replace your lungs and kidneys, the chances of survival are extremely low.

"Paraquat... It's unbelievable. That stuff is green, so hard to drink, and so pungent. Unless someone is determined to commit suicide, they wouldn't drink it, right?" Deputy Director Wang shook his head and sighed.

Captain Liu responded, "It must be food poisoning. The toxin was added to the thick soup in small doses, making it undetectable to the victim."

Deputy Director Wang asked blankly, "Who poisoned them? Chen Jiafei? Did he shoot the toxin into the Xiao brothers' food as he passed by the window?"

"We are reviewing the surveillance footage from the past two days, especially during the time Chen Jiafei performed his flying show. We are thoroughly examining inside and outside the house, but we haven't found anything yet," Captain Liu said sadly.

"Watch it again, repeatedly, from the moment Chen Jiafei jumped off the high-rise to the end of his flight. Examine each frame carefully, every second and every move. Also, watch the five drones. Organize ten people to divide the work. If ten aren't enough, make it twenty. Within 24 hours, we must find a result," Deputy Director Wang said, knocking on the table.

"Have you... seen magic tricks?" Zhang Weihua said softly.

Everyone: ???

"Magicians wear the most dazzling clothes and make the most striking moves, but all of this is to attract the audience's attention. While the audience is closely watching the magician's every move, the assistant completes the magic setup in an unnoticed corner."

"You mean... Chen Jiafei is just the magician on stage. His live broadcast, wingsuit flying, and drones are all distractions. Someone took this opportunity to complete the poisoning in an unnoticed corner?" I asked tentatively.

Zhang Weihua looked at me approvingly, "Assuming this is the case, where would that person complete the poisoning?"

"In the safe house!" I answered trembling.

"The murderer... the murderer is in the safe house, the murderer is... in the police force!"

Deputy Director Wang's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he shouted, "Liu Dunfa!"

"Here!" Captain Liu stood at attention.

"Organize a full-body examination of all personnel involved that day, especially nails, hair, glasses, watches, jewelry, and other items. Remember, everyone, including me!"


The full-body examination lasted two days and nights.

During these two days and nights, eight things happened.

First, the Xiao brothers died.

Second, the "Judge" called again, threatening to kill the final target, Zhao Dabao, within seven days.

Third, Lin Kexin organized an online poll, with 83% of users supporting the lowering of the age of criminal responsibility.

Fourth, Lin Kexin was detained by the police for inciting trouble due to her continuous reporting on the 926 and 927 cases.

Fifth, Chen Jiafei was detained by the police for inciting trouble due to his wingsuit flying during sensitive times.

Sixth, Jia Yanhua was detained by the police for suspected murder.

Seventh, all enemies of the "Five Little Strong" were placed under residential surveillance.

Eighth, all related accounts were banned, and relevant bloggers were interviewed.

However, the time-consuming and labor-intensive full-body examination yielded no results.

The "Judge," like an invisible man, stood among us, coldly and mercilessly mocking us.
