Three days later, the newly appointed commander issued two orders, focusing all efforts on capturing the bandits.

Additionally, the city was to be cleared of monkeys. No monkeys were allowed in the city, and anyone found harboring monkeys would be committing a serious crime. The order also included clearing the wild monkeys outside the city. Anyone who killed a monkey could report to the command headquarters for a reward!

Soon, this order spread throughout all areas under the army's jurisdiction, initiating a city-wide monkey-catching campaign.


A month later.

After a series of maneuvers, suppressions, cooptations, intimidations, concessions, divisions, and promises, as well as changes in military deployments and leadership positions, the commander finally solidified his position.

He even received an official appointment from the central government.

In short, he was now the undisputed commander of the southwestern frontier forces, the perpetual great commander.

But the commander was not having an easy time. For the past month, besides his official duties, he had to constantly worry about his safety.

He feared his rivals, and even more so the escaped dwarf.

For this reason, the commander kept his gun with him at all times, even sleeping with it under his pillow, holding it in his hand, or he couldn't sleep.

Even when he did sleep, it wasn't peaceful. Any slight noise would wake him up, causing him to instinctively reach for his gun.

One day, after finishing his work, the commander returned to his room to rest. As usual, he placed his loaded pistol under his pillow.

This ensured that he could fire immediately if needed.

He lay down fully clothed, his hand reaching under the pillow to grip the gun, feeling the cold metal that reassured him.

After an unknown amount of time, the commander, half-asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, his gun aimed forward.

A shadow flashed by, dodging the gun's muzzle, and lunged at the commander. He saw clearly it was a monkey, with a sharp face and covered in black fur.

He fired, but the agile monkey dodged, only one bullet hitting its arm.

The monkey, undeterred, charged again, getting very close.

The commander rolled to dodge the attack and distanced himself.

The gunshot had already alerted the guards, and soon the entire headquarters was brightly lit.

The monkey, realizing it missed its chance, leaped onto the roof despite the hail of gunfire below.

The commander saw the monkey get hit in the back and fall off the roof.

A group rushed over but found only a pool of monkey blood and fur; the monkey was nowhere to be seen.

Enraged, the commander mobilized a large force to seal the city gates and searched every inch of the city to eliminate the monkey.

However, there was something odd. The commander initially thought it was the monkey with a scar on its face, but upon closer inspection, it was not that monkey.

Ignoring the details, the commander led the search himself. The monkey was wounded and wouldn't live long or go far. He vowed to find it dead or alive.

The search disrupted the city's residents, and rumors spread that a wild monkey had injured the commander, promising a hefty reward for its capture.

Whether it was the reward or the disturbance, half the city was out looking for the monkey.

But the monkeys in the city had already been eradicated by the commander.

The only one left was the one that had injured the commander.

Strength in numbers prevailed.

Someone discovered the wounded monkey hiding in the darkness.

Word spread, and the area was quickly surrounded.

The commander arrived with his men.

At a glance, he recognized the figure. It was not a monkey but the escaped dwarf.

The dwarf was shot in the arm and back, unable to move.

Beside the dwarf was a complete monkey skin.

The commander finally understood that it wasn't a monkey trying to kill him, but a dwarf disguised as one.

Due to the dwarf's height and agility, combined with the monkey skin, he had mistaken it for a monkey.

The commander approached the dwarf and said, "I finally waited for you. If you hadn't come, I wouldn't have been able to sleep!"

The dwarf said nothing.

The commander lost interest in talking and had the dwarf taken back to be imprisoned.

The next day, a notice was issued stating that the murderer of the previous commander had been captured. The same person had also attempted to assassinate the current commander, and was extremely dangerous and wicked, deserving of execution. The execution was scheduled for three days later in public!

This news spread quickly, and many people were eager to see the execution in three days.

Time flew by, and three days had passed.

Soon, a group escorted the dwarf through the streets, followed by an executioner carrying a large knife.

It was said that the executioner was specially invited by the commander.

The dwarf, though small in stature, walked with his head held high, bravely facing death.

The dwarf knelt on the platform, the executioner behind him. After dousing his large knife with wine, he raised it.

At this moment, the dwarf did not show fear but let out a strange cry towards the city outskirts. The cry was desolate, full of resentment.

The sound traveled far, through the city walls, outside the city, and dissipated in the air.

The executioner, with a swift motion, brought the knife down.
