"Zhi Zhi, quickly look at Jiang Yue's Moments! It's just like yours!"

"She must be imitating you again!"

These words were spoken by my roommates, Lan Ying and Xu Hui.

The Jiang Yue they were referring to is my archenemy roommate.

From the very first day, Jiang Yue has been looking down on me while imitating me in various ways.

When I bought a new dress to try on, Lan Ying and Xu Hui praised it, but she made sarcastic remarks.

"It looks so ugly, Zhi Zhi. This dress doesn't suit you! It makes your waist look thick and your stomach look big!"

But the next day, she bought the same dress and proudly showed it off in front of me.

I was so angry that I confronted her directly.

"Jiang Yue, what's the meaning of this? Didn't you say it was ugly? Why are you imitating me?"

"Who's imitating you? I bought this dress a long time ago, I just haven't worn it."

"This dress doesn't suit you, but it suits me~"

Jiang Yue's smug expression made me almost rush up and hit her.

But my upbringing and rationality told me to stay calm, it wasn't worth arguing with someone like her.

I couldn't be bothered with Jiang Yue, but in return, she became even more skilled at imitating me.

She started wearing whatever I wore, eating what I ate, and using the same skincare products as me.

After imitating me, when others asked her, she still insisted on denying it.

"I didn't imitate Lin Zhi Zhi! I was the one who bought this Chanel dress first, and Ferrero Rocher chocolates have been my favorite since I was a child. And this La Mer skincare product is something I've been using all along."

I could tell at a glance that hers were knockoffs, after all, my family background was not something an imitator could compare to.

But I kept a low profile and never mentioned my background in the dormitory, so Jiang Yue naturally treated me as a vain and scheming girl like herself.

She didn't know that using knockoffs too much would ruin her face. I had advised her several times in private not to use knockoffs anymore to avoid problems.

But every time I mentioned "knockoffs," Jiang Yue would get angry and curse at me.

"What knockoffs? Mine are genuine! Maybe you're using knockoffs, that's why you think everyone else is using knockoffs, right?"

I tried to give her some well-intentioned advice, but instead of appreciating it, she held an even deeper grudge against me and targeted me in every possible way.

Not only did she imitate me in various ways, but she even wanted to surpass me and make me look bad.

I couldn't be bothered with her anymore, so I simply ignored her.

But I didn't expect her to cause trouble again so soon after she had just settled down.

When Lan Ying and Xu Hui mentioned it, I immediately checked Jiang Yue's latest Moments.

Her latest Moment had a photo.

In the photo, she was wearing a pink bubble-sleeved dress, carrying an LV bag, and smiling sweetly with her head tilted.

But the more I looked at the photo, the more familiar it became...

This outfit, this angle, this pose... it wasn't completely unrelated to the Moment I had just posted earlier, it was exactly the same!

Half an hour ago, I had just posted a Moment with the exact same outfit and composition!

Because the new dress had just arrived, I happily posted a Moment.

The dress was bought for me by my boyfriend Mu Chen.

Little did I know that right after I posted, the imitator followed suit.

No wonder Jiang Yue was always hanging around me and secretly stretching her neck to look over here when I was chatting with Mu Chen and choosing clothes!

Jiang Yue has always liked "monitoring" me and prying into my privacy, imitating my outfits.

I felt disgusted, as if a fly had gotten stuck in my throat.

At that moment, Jiang Yue happened to come back.

Humming a tune, she was still wearing that pink dress and proudly holding her prized ALV bag.

"Oh, Zhi Zhi, you're back too. Did you see my Moments? I just posted them!"

Jiang Yue's tone was full of pride and satisfaction.

I took a deep breath, trying to suppress my anger.

"Jiang Yue, I saw your Moments. It seems like you really like my taste and style. But I have to say, it's not a good look to imitate someone so blatantly. It's not original or authentic."

Jiang Yue's expression froze for a moment, but she quickly recovered and scoffed.

"Imitate? What are you talking about, Zhi Zhi? This is my own style. I don't need to imitate anyone."

I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. This girl was shameless to the extreme.

"Jiang Yue, let's be honest with each other. We both know what you're doing. I don't know why you're so obsessed with imitating me, but it's not healthy. You should focus on finding your own identity and style instead of constantly copying others."

Jiang Yue's face turned red with anger.

"Who are you to lecture me? Just because you have a few branded items and a rich boyfriend, you think you're superior? I can wear whatever I want and post whatever I want on my Moments. You're just jealous!"

I sighed, realizing that reasoning with her was futile.

"Jiang Yue, I'm not jealous. I'm just tired of this constant imitation. It's not healthy for either of us. I suggest we try to coexist peacefully and respect each other's individuality. Let's not engage in this petty competition anymore."

Jiang Yue stared at me for a moment, her anger slowly subsiding.

"Fine, if that's what you want. But don't think I'm imitating you. I have my own style, and I'll prove it to you."

With that, she turned and walked into her room, slamming the door behind her.

I knew that this might not be the end of the imitation, but at least I had expressed my feelings and made my stance clear.

From that day forward, I continued to live my life, pursuing my own interests and style, ignoring Jiang Yue's attempts to provoke me.

Gradually, her imitations became less frequent, and we managed to maintain a semblance of peace in the dormitory.

Although I still couldn't understand why Jiang Yue was so fixated on me, I learned to focus on myself and not let her actions affect me.

I realized that true confidence and individuality come from within, and no amount of imitation can take that away from me.

And as for Jiang Yue, well, she eventually found her own path and started to develop her own unique style, finally breaking free from the shadow of imitation.

Life went on, and we all moved forward, each carving our own paths in our own unique ways.
