I am the first child of my parents, destined to be a big sister from the moment I was born.

Since I can remember, I have been able to do most of the household chores at home, sweeping the floor, washing dishes, doing laundry; these are things I have to do every day.

After coming home from school every day, the first thing I do is sweep the floor and wash the dishes before starting my homework.

My mom often tells me, "Girls should know how to do household chores. In the future, more men will pursue you, and the bride price will be higher. You'll understand later. We ask you to do these things for your own good."

I don't understand what these words mean. I only know that if I don't do the chores, my parents will scold me and even withhold my meals.

After my mom got pregnant, my dad and grandma started teaching me how to take care of a baby.

They taught me how to hold a baby comfortably, how to change diapers, and how to put them to sleep.

Every time I made a little mistake, my dad would scold me for being so stupid.

Grandma wouldn't scold me; she would just pinch my arm, saying it's to help me remember and not repeat the same mistakes.

So, there are many bruises on my arms.

When my younger brother and sister were born, it happened during my summer vacation. So, except for feeding time, I took care of my sister.

Meanwhile, my mom and grandma focused all their attention on my brother.

Since I was not as strong as my grandma and mom, I couldn't always carry my sister like they did. So most of the time, she was in the cradle.

When my sister cried, I would pick her up to soothe her for a while, then put her back in the cradle.

At times like these, grandma would look at me disdainfully and say in a raised voice, "I don't know what you eat every day, eating so much, yet can't even carry a newborn baby. You're really useless."

I often went hungry because I didn't do the chores properly, so I look thinner than other kids my age.

But I dare not talk back because grandma's pinches really hurt.
