I rubbed my sore waist and sighed, youth is truly wonderful.

I got two leading roles for Meng Yu. He's happy, and so am I.

Meng Yu is a smart man. He never considers himself my boyfriend. Aside from being a bit wild, I'm quite satisfied with him.

Lin Jin's reputation was ruined because of Qin Weimian. Lin Ziye pressured him step by step, and under the strain of public opinion, Grandpa Lin had no choice but to abandon Lin Jin.

Lin Ziye became the heir.

After taking over, Lin Ziye swiftly purged Lin Jin's supporters. This move was risky, but it was necessary for long-term development.

Yes, the idea was mine.

For a time, complaints filled Lin Corporation. Many old officials were cleared out of the company in extremely unseemly ways.

Grandpa Lin fell ill from anger. Lin Ziye became even more unrestrained. Suddenly endowed with immense power, he acted as if he ruled the world.

Half of Lin Corporation's top executives were purged by him. The higher they rise, the harder they fall. He won't be flaunting his power for long.

Debauchery by day, living in drunkenness and debauchery.

Lin Ziye was reported for misbehavior in his office and was taken away for investigation.

When I heard the news, I was drinking water and nearly choked on it.

What worthless, useless mud.

My brother quickly handed me a few tissues: "Lin Jin is already defeated. Jiaojiao, it's time to stop."

I blinked: "Brother, the game has just begun."

My brother was stunned. The usually composed man was so shocked it was almost laughable.

"Are you serious?"

He thought I only wanted revenge on Lin Jin.

Nobody knew my true intentions. My brother knew I was ambitious, but he never thought I would pull the Lin family into this.

Even he had never dared to think of destroying the Lin family.

I stretched with a smile: "Brother, don't underestimate a woman."

From the beginning, I never wanted to marry Lin Jin.

But some things can't be decided by my wishes alone.

Marriage with him was to maximize benefits, but if I could kick Lin Corporation out of the game, that's another matter.

Qihang took the lead in defecting, exposing all of Lin Corporation's scandals like they were free.

Grandpa Lin fell into a coma. Lin Jin's father was incompetent, leaving no choice but to call Lin Jin back to handle the mess.

However, the top executives were all Lin Ziye's people, leaving Lin Jin constrained at every turn. He couldn't stir up any trouble.

Lin Corporation's stock price hit the limit down for three days. During these three days, Lin Jin worked tirelessly, trying everything to save the company.

Fruitless efforts.

Lin Jin decisively chose to shrink the company's scale to survive, cutting down over half of it. Although severely weakened, he managed to maintain Lin Corporation.

Everyone knew Lin Corporation would never rise again.

In the business world, there are no friends, only interests.

The current Lin Corporation is just a piece of meat waiting to be divided.

And I am the one who will take the biggest piece.

The day I took away Lin Corporation's lifeline project, my brother held a celebration party at the company.

The entire company stopped work, and thousands cheered for me.

Since the establishment of the Li Corporation, only I had received such an honor.

Life might only have a few important moments.

But my moment was never going to be saying "I do" under the watchful eyes of a priest.

After the celebration, my father gave me a Rolls-Royce.

I already had several luxury cars in my garage, but this one was different.

The black Rolls-Royce had a license plate with five eights from Beijing South.

Everyone knew that the five eights license plate was a sign of the Li family's son-in-law.

But from now on, that license plate would represent me, Li Mengjiao.

I don't need any strong alliances. I alone am enough.

I love power and money.

But I love success even more.

The feeling of standing above everyone else, it makes me obsessed.

People like us, how could we get entangled in trivial love?

Oh right, except for those with a "love brain."

The end

Extra Story 1

I met Lin Jin's older sister, Lin Que, at a charity auction.

Before the fall of the Lin family, Lin Que was one of the most prominent socialites in Beijing South.

Her family background was illustrious, and her in-laws were powerful.

But after the fall of Lin Corporation, Lin Que hadn't appeared in public for over a year.

Her cheeks were sunken, the dark circles under her eyes couldn't be concealed, and at thirty-five or thirty-six, fine lines already covered the corners of her eyes.

It seemed she had been through a lot this year.

Now, Lin Corporation was barely surviving, with a scale of less than a hundred people, operated by Lin Jin.

The fact that it came to this was largely thanks to Lin Que.

Perhaps my gaze was too blunt, Lin Que looked over at me.

The moment our eyes met, I saw her grip tighten.

Suddenly interested, I handed my auction paddle to Meng Yu and had the server clear a seat beside her.

Seeing me sit brazenly next to her, Lin Que's eyes turned sinister.

She must not want to see me the most. Besides the fact that I was the one who brought down the Lin family, just the difference in our current statuses was enough to make her uncomfortable for a lifetime.

I slowly sat down and asked with a smile: "Sister, how have you been lately?"

Lin Que lowered her voice, anger in her tone: "Don't call me sister."

She held her chin up, refusing to look at me, so high and mighty.

The people of the Lin family never knew where they stood.

"Indeed, I shouldn't call you sister anymore. Your current status..." I said, looking her up and down, then added, "is not deserving."

"You! Even if I am down and out, I am still the daughter-in-law of the Sun family."

Lin Que couldn't hold back her temper any longer, standing up and pointing at me as she exploded in anger.

I glanced at her husband, Sun Shibin's dark expression, then smiled and returned to my seat.

Leaving Lin Que to stand there, the center of attention.

To pull out weeds, you must remove the roots. Lin Que couldn't protect the Lin family, and I wouldn't allow her to.

Our conversation was just a minor episode. I kept raising my paddle to increase the bid for a jade plaque, finally winning it for millions to gift to Meng Yu.

The next day, the media reported that I spent a fortune for Meng Yu, with countless people praising our love.

This reminded me of the year Lin Jin stopped a plane for Qin Weimian.

At that time, they too were in the limelight, their story touching and beautiful.

I suddenly lost interest, dialing Meng Yu's number.

"Don't contact me again."

There was a long silence on the other end, finally broken by: "I want the leading role in Director Guo's new movie."

Extra Story 2

The day Lin Corporation officially announced its closure, my Rolls-Royce with the five eights license plate was parked outside their office.

The small company had shrunk again and again, finally occupying just a small storefront.

Lin Jin and Qin Weimian were both inside.

They all looked dejected.

The once high-flying prodigies, now frustrated and disheartened, evoked an inexplicable sense of brokenness.

But I just wanted to laugh.

Laugh at the humiliation I suffered back then, laugh at how Lin Jin squandered his golden hand, laugh at how "love brain" is more toxic than drugs.

I'm someone who repays every slight, and anyone who offends me, I will pay back a hundredfold sooner or later.

The driver opened the car door for me, and the soles of my delicate lambskin shoes felt odd on the red bricks.

Pushing open the glass door, Lin Jin noticed me first.

He wore a black short-sleeve shirt and cargo pants, with sun-baked skin and a face devoid of its former charm.

Qin Weimian looked better in her shirt and slacks, looking neat and capable.

But I heard she had long since stopped modeling, becoming the woman behind Lin Jin to share his hardships.

The woman who once proved herself to be gold on a yacht had become a housewife.

"What are you doing here?"

Qin Weimian screamed. I looked at Lin Jin with a smile.

He somehow unconsciously took two steps forward, calling out affectionately and disgustingly: "Jiaojiao."

I rubbed my chilly arms, recoiling two steps in disdain.

Lin Jin, as if oblivious to the situation, kept stepping forward: "Jiaojiao, I saw on the news that you broke up with Meng Yu."

A question mark appeared in my head. Had this guy been possessed?

Upon hearing this, Qin Weimian shamelessly grabbed Lin Jin's sleeve, and the substandard black t-shirt tore with a yank.


"What the hell do you mean? Are you trying to rekindle an old romance with her? Hah! Look at what you've become!"

Well said!

"I've been like a nanny for your whole family these past two years, you heartless scum. You've been dragging your feet on our wedding, don't think I don't know you and your mom are planning to climb the social ladder!"

Qin Weimian's combat power was extraordinary. Within moments, she had torn Lin Jin's clothes to shreds.

Lin Jin clenched his fists, humiliated in front of me.

As Qin Weimian continued her outburst, Lin Jin raised his hand and gave her a hard slap across the face.


I couldn't help but cover my mouth. Holy crap, this guy actually hit a woman.

Lin Jin yanked Qin Weimian's hair: "If it weren't for you, would I be in this mess? You wretch..."

I was stunned. Was this still the pair who once did everything for love?

I quietly slipped out of the small, rundown company and swiftly got in the car.

I even helped by calling the police on my way out.

Before I came, I had fantasized about saying to Lin Jin with pride: "The wealth and fortune your ancestors built over generations, decades of nurturing all down the drain, Lin Jin, you've lost."

But now, forget it.

Coming was unnecessary.
