I clearly saw a hint of fierceness in Yang Cheng's eyes, but he forcibly held it back and smiled at Lin Qingqing, "Good baby, don't be angry, it's all my fault."

Lin Qingqing was soon amused by Yang Cheng, then she punched his chest, and the two of them acted lovey-dovey for a while.

I was a bit bored, so I went to the most expensive Western restaurant in S City for dinner, and then bought some cosmetics for myself.

It's been a long time since I've spent so freely.

During the days I spent with Yang Cheng, he always thought I was spending money recklessly.

Once, he nagged me for a long time just because I bought a bottle of face wash for over 200 yuan.

"Baby, if we want to establish ourselves in S City, you can't spend money recklessly. In the future, let me hold onto the money, I'll manage it for you."

Just as I was about to refuse, Yang Cheng added, "I'll set up my Alipay Intimate Payment for you, so you can use my money, and I can supervise you."

At that time, I was touched, thinking that Yang Cheng was doing all this for our future.

I thought he was very manly, very responsible, and I felt I couldn't use his money, not even for a 2 yuan tissue using his Intimate Payment.

Now looking back, it's all nonsense!

"Miss, how would you like to pay? We accept bank cards, Alipay—"

The friendly smile of the saleswoman brought me back from my thoughts.

I showed my phone screen, "Alipay!"

"Alipay payment of 400 yuan."

"Alipay payment of 600 yuan."

"Alipay payment yuan."


Soon, Yang Cheng's call came in.

I switched to silent mode and continued shopping.

When I happily opened the door and entered, I saw Yang Cheng sitting on the sofa with a dark face, waiting for me.

"Where did you go? Why did you suddenly spend so much money?"

Yang Cheng realized his tone was wrong and immediately changed it, but his expression was still unpleasant, "You know, Zhi Zhi, life in a big city is not easy. It's not that I'm worried about this 20,000 yuan, but we have to plan for our future!"

I pretended, "It's all because of my supervisor Lin Qingqing, she's really a devil, making me work overtime every day. That's why I'm in a bad mood, went shopping to vent. You know, I never do this."

Yang Cheng pinched his nose, feeling guilty, "It's okay, let's curse her."

I nodded, looking at him expectantly, signaling him to curse quickly.

To please me, Yang Cheng really had no psychological burden, and he cursed at Lin Qingqing's name with all sorts of vulgarities.

Little did he know, I recorded everything.
