It was a medical report, clearly stating - Chen Xiao suffers from azoospermia caused by chromosomal abnormalities, leading to infertility.

When we went for the examination initially, we thought it would just be a blood test and an ultrasound.

However, it turned out to be far from simple.

I was handed a stack of examination forms, and also given test papers to take home for monitoring.

Chen Xiao had it worse, he was given a small bottle and then rushed to a dark room.

After over half an hour, he emerged holding his 'treasure'.

This experience caused him immense psychological damage.

A few days later, when he was informed of another examination, he stubbornly said, "I'm not going, whoever wants to go can go."

His mother said, "Look, Xiaoman listens to the doctor, whatever tests they ask for, she does them. Why don't you go? You're so grown up, still afraid of pain?"

"Is it about pain?" Chen Xiao recalled that day's experience, his face turning pale, "Mom, Xiaoman and I are still young, we have annual check-ups at work, our bodies are perfectly fine, why are you forcing us to undergo these tests?"

"Oh, I didn't say you have any problems, after the tests, we can be at ease."

I also tried to persuade him, "The doctor said this is the last test, just go."

After much persuasion, Chen Xiao reluctantly went to the hospital with me.

That day's imaging test made him furious again. On the day of collecting the results, he simply made an excuse of work matters and I went to the hospital alone.

I still remember being stunned when I received the results.

That afternoon, I visited three different hospitals and consulted various doctors.

They all gave the same result: azoospermia caused by chromosomal abnormalities, currently no effective treatment available.

In other words, this condition is incurable.

Finally, I was completely despondent.

For a man, azoospermia is a devastating blow.

I couldn't bear to see Chen Xiao in such pain and sorrow, so I found a female infertility report online, had the printing shop change the name to mine, falsely claiming that the one with issues was me.
