In the living room, Sun Wenle watched football, smoking and drinking, eating boneless chicken feet I picked out from high-tech snacks.

He wanted me to accompany him in secondhand smoke, I smiled and said I had to work overtime, then went to the study to write a proposal.

Two days later, the furniture at home suddenly started to change.

I looked at Sun Wenle with a puzzled face.

He smiled gently, "Didn't you used to complain that the wardrobe was too small? I'll get you a bigger one, and I'll put my clothes in the old one."

Oh, what a "thoughtful" and "good husband."

Then the sofa, dining table, bookcase, anything that could be changed was changed.

I knew we couldn't continue living in this house, Sun Wenle's actions clearly showed his ill intentions.

Coincidentally, my surgery appointment was the day after tomorrow. I smiled and told him I had to go on a business trip to Shanghai for half a month, and I gave him five thousand yuan to go out with friends and maintain relationships.

Seeing Sun Wenle's regretful face, I almost couldn't resist slapping him.

Oh, why bother arguing with a dead man so much!

I carried my suitcase back to my parents' home.

I told my parents everything, thinking it would take some effort to make them believe.

After all, Sun Wenle had always put on a good front.

My dad angrily rushed to the kitchen, picked up a knife and headed out.

Fortunately, my mom and I stopped him in time.

I took the knife from him, "Dad, calm down a bit. The doctor said he won't live for another six months. With my smoking and drinking, maybe he'll go even faster."

My dad let out a heavy sigh.
