At midnight, I woke up from a troubled dream and saw my husband was not by my side. Anxiously, I opened the door and went outside.

The light in the bathroom was on, and my heart started to race. Was he feeling unwell?

As I approached, I heard my husband in the bathroom on the phone: "Mom, Yuan Xinxin is sick, the surgery costs tens of thousands, this is enough for me to marry a rich girl."

I stood frozen in place instantly, what do you mean Yuan Xinxin is sick?

Could it be that I also have a serious health issue, no wonder the doctor's expression was so sympathetic.

Before I could think too much, I heard Sun Wenle say again, "Okay, I'll hide the document, when she dies, I can still inherit her estate."

Is this the husband I wanted to sell the house to save?

I held the document "Advanced stomach cancer" in my hand and silently returned to the room.

Just as I lay down on the bed, Sun Wenle gently opened the door and came in.

He took out the document from his coat pocket, tore it into pieces, and threw it into the trash can.

He sighed and said softly, "Don't blame me, no one wants to live with a sick person for a lifetime."
