I finally got divorced, and I even got the money I deserved.

But how could it just end like that?

That money was rightfully mine.

But Chen Shi-ming betrayed and hurt me, and he hasn't faced any consequences yet.

Their company is currently competing for a big project, which Chen Shi-ming is in charge of.

Chen Shi-ming is probably feeling the pinch from giving me too much in the divorce settlement; he's especially desperate this time, determined to win.

After all, if he secures this big project, he stands to gain a considerable amount of money.

But can I let him be so triumphant?

Absolutely not.

So at a critical moment, I gave the media a series of evidence of his infidelity and spent a little money.

Having money makes things easy; Chen Shi-ming's reputation was instantly tarnished.

And even better, there were plenty of anonymous comments criticizing Chen Shi-ming for his poor character, claiming he liked to sexually harass female employees and maintain inappropriate relationships with several female colleagues.

With irrefutable evidence of his infidelity, even if these anonymous comments were baseless, the public believed them without question.

But an online uproar wasn't enough.

So I spent a bit more money to have people block him at his company.

Among these people were passionate netizens standing up for justice and family members of girls who had been wronged by Chen Shi-ming, seeking retribution.

In any case, there were many of them, and they had a legitimate cause.

They gathered at the company entrance, cursing Chen Shi-ming for his wickedness and condemning the company as a haven for filth.

I watched their efforts gleefully, feeling that the money was well spent.

Notorious Chen Shi-ming was now in no position to talk about projects, barely holding onto his job.

At home, Xiao Nan-nan had already moved in, swaggering around with her pregnant belly.

One must admit Xiao Nan-nan was skilled, playing different roles effortlessly in front of different people.

In front of Chen Shi-ming, she was weak and dependent, flattering his parents with humility; but as soon as he was not around, she became sharp-tongued, infuriating his parents, who would then vent their frustrations to Chen Shi-ming.

Chen Shi-ming was already in a bad mood due to work troubles, and the chaos at home only made it worse, leading him to harshly reprimand his own parents.

Then, swayed by Xiao Nan-nan's pillow talk, he had his parents move out.

Xiao Nan-nan probably really disliked them; after pretending to be understanding by taking care of their accommodation, she had them moved into an old, dilapidated house, nearly giving Chen's mother a heart attack from anger.

Chen Shi-ming was demoted at work, but at least he kept his job.

Unexpectedly, another unwelcome guest caused a ruckus at their company.

This man brazenly punched Chen Shi-ming to the ground.

Then he pointed at Chen Shi-ming, berating him for being a shameless eunuch who couldn't have children and had tricked his pregnant girlfriend home, calling him disgraceful, suggesting he should adopt if he couldn't have kids himself instead of eyeing someone else's wife, labeling him a psychological pervert and filthy.

The man ranted non-stop, reducing Chen Shi-ming to a limp dishrag on the ground, who finally needed help to stand up, his legs trembling so much he nearly fell flat on his face.

It’s not surprising; any man discovering he was a cuckold and publicly exposed as impotent would feel it was a grave humiliation, wishing he could just die.

I had known about his impotence long ago. After a long period of trying to conceive with no result, I got myself checked at the hospital, and there was nothing wrong with me.

The problem had to be with Chen Shi-ming.

Of course, without a professional diagnosis, it was just a guess, but later Xiao Nan-nan also tried every means without getting pregnant and even suspected it was her problem, going to the hospital herself.

From this, I was pretty sure Chen Shi-ming was impotent.

Desperate to climb the social ladder, Xiao Nan-nan took my subtle hints and indeed went to get a sperm donor.

Chen Shi-ming's family was kept in the dark, excited about becoming parents, completely clueless.

Indeed, I had a hand in the appearance of that man.

Chen Shi-ming's disgrace at the company made him a laughingstock again.

Due to the repeated incidents, tarnishing the company's image, the CEO fired him in anger.

Chen Shi-ming, now unemployed, exploded in rage at home, viciously beating up Xiao Nan-nan, venting all his accumulated frustration.

But this outburst caused Xiao Nan-nan to miscarry.

Not one to be trifled with, Xiao Nan-nan immediately called the police when she learned Chen Shi-ming had lost his job.

Causing a miscarriage is no trivial matter and could lead to imprisonment.

Chen Shi-ming compensated Xiao Nan-nan substantially, but she wouldn't relent, determined to sue him.

Knowing their son was about to go to jail, Chen Shi-ming's parents tearfully begged Xiao Nan-nan for mercy.

However, Xiao Nan-nan had no sympathy for Chen Shi-ming; she had latched onto him solely for his money.

Originally hoping to soar by attaching herself to Chen Shi-ming, she ended up with nothing, harboring resentment, and adding the physical pain of the miscarriage, she hated Chen Shi-ming even more.

Chen Shi-ming's parents, desperate for their son, repeatedly approached Xiao Nan-nan for mercy, annoying her so much she couldn't recuperate properly.

So she made a concession, proposing that if Chen Shi-ming handed over all his savings to her as compensation, she wouldn't press charges.

The two elders looked at each other, contemplated, and left decisively.

They figured that their son could serve a prison term and come out after a few years, but if the money was gone, they would have nothing left, especially since their son was already jobless—how could he make more money?

Their behavior made Xiao Nan-nan laugh, calling them all sorts of names.

So, Chen Shi-ming ended up in prison.

What I didn't expect was Chen Shi-ming's parents approached me, accusing me of being too greedy during the divorce and taking too much money.

Now that Chen Shi-ming was in prison, they, as elderly folks, were left with no support, demanding I give some money back, or they wouldn't leave.

Ridiculous, could they still manipulate me now?

I promptly smashed a few valuable items at home and called the police, accusing them of trespassing and damaging valuable property, demanding compensation.

Chen Shi-ming's parents trembled in rage, screaming their innocence, cursing me for being ruthless, accusing me of causing their son's downfall, yelling the worst possible things.

Amid their unreasonable shouting, I timidly sought police help: “My ex-husband cheated on me, leading to our divorce, then he caused his mistress's miscarriage and was sentenced; now these two elderly people come to my house daily to smash things and insult me. Police officers, please take action!”

Chen Shi-ming's parents, used to getting their way at home, faced the police's firm enforcement and still tried to play tricks. During the confrontation, Chen's mother even slapped a police officer.

This was serious trouble.

Eventually, I got the compensation I wanted.

It's not that I cared much for the money, but making them pay and seeing their pained expressions was immensely satisfying.

With things escalating so much, Chen Shi-ming's parents had no desire to stay in the city, quickly selling their house and returning to their hometown.

After all, the eldest son was done for; what future could he have after serving time, especially since he was infertile?

So the two elders pooled together Chen Shi-ming's money and the house sale proceeds to support their younger son.

They invested a lot in helping their younger son start a business, hoping he could become successful and marry a healthy, obedient wife.

But idealism is often shattered by reality.

Their younger son wasn’t cut out for business; soon enough, he was swindled out of the money.

He deceitfully took all their remaining money to gamble.

Once addicted to gambling, there’s no return.

Almost all the money Chen Shi-ming’s parents painstakingly saved was squandered by the younger son, leaving their household in constant turmoil.

Xiao Nan-nan also didn’t fare well; her child’s biological father started to pester her for money.

Birds of a feather flock together; Xiao Nan-nan’s circle would do anything for money. Knowing she was now wealthy, this man clung to her like a hungry cat to meat, determined to drain her dry.

However you spin it, Chen Shi-ming suffered the most. Prison was a hard experience; upon release, he had no house, no money, and no career to speak of.

One hopes that after his transformation, he’ll learn to live properly in the future.
