Chen Shiming's private meetings with Xiao Nannan became more frequent.

However, Xiao Nannan's belly showed no signs of movement.

Before Chen Shiming could do anything, his parents couldn't hold back.

They went to Xiao Nannan to issue an ultimatum, claiming that if she didn't get pregnant again, she should leave.

How could they tolerate someone spending their son's money for no reason? Only by giving birth to a son could she be worthy of entering their family.

This kind of shrewd calculation made me silently laugh, but it was also good as their actions inadvertently fueled my plan.

That night, Xiao Nannan came to me in tears, saying she had tried many methods but couldn't get pregnant. She even started taking medication to regulate her body, but it didn't work.

Not being able to conceive was already giving her a headache, and now being scolded by Chen Shiming's parents made her even more furious.

Xiao Nannan was not one to be trifled with. She cursed over the phone, "These two old farts actually threatened me. I finally got a hold of Chen Shiming, and these two old folks still want to cause trouble? They are blind, thinking I'm easy to bully. Dare to act high and mighty with me. Just wait, when I marry Chen Shiming, the first thing I'll do is kick them out!"

I comforted her softly, "Don't worry, the more critical the situation, the calmer you need to be. Getting angry won't solve the problem. Although Chen Shiming's wife has already alienated herself from everyone, she is still the legitimate Mrs. Chen, while you are still just a mistress."

Xiao Nannan's breath hitched, clearly unhappy, but what I said was the truth, and she could only endure it.

"Mrs. Chen? She's just a locust after autumn, how long can she jump around? Before long, her position will be mine."

Xiao Nannan muttered, sounding quite confident.

I sneered and said gently, "So what can you rely on to rise now? Currently, the child is your bargaining chip. Without a child, everything you pursue will turn into nothing."

Xiao Nannan was very anxious and frustrated, saying, "But I can't get pregnant now!"

"Stay calm, there will always be a solution. Now, as long as your belly grows for the Chen family, and quickly."

With that said, I believed Xiao Nannan would soon have good news.

Sure enough, over a month later, Xiao Nannan joyfully told me that she was pregnant.
