I squatted on the ground crying, the counselor came over to comfort me, gently touching my head, her words full of pity:

"Poor child, don't be afraid, I will help you."

I looked up with tearful eyes, the counselor's face was so gentle and kind, and I cried even harder.

The people around me are all good, except for my parents.

But parents are really important, so important that they can influence your whole life, and you can't escape from them.

I started my university life, and Li Lifang kept harassing me from time to time, pressuring the counselor to make me drop out.

Lying on the campus, spreading rumors about me everywhere, in her mouth, I was the most unforgivable and disgraceful woman in the world.

At first, everyone was influenced by her and pointed fingers at me.

But as time went by, she kept saying the same things, and everyone stopped paying attention.

Later, I found out that the counselor was helping me, she talked to many students privately, asking them not to be biased against me.

When my roommate accidentally let slip, I was eating, and upon hearing it, my chopsticks fell to the ground with a clatter.

I cried leaning on the table, my roommate comforting me frantically, but I wasn't sad, I was touched.

It's really nice to have so many good people around me.

Even though they have no relation to me, they still show kindness towards me.

As for my biological father, he ran off with another woman and had his own child.

My biological mother, like a vampire, constantly entangled and tormented me, afraid that I would live well.

If it weren't for these lovely people, I think I would have jumped off a building by now.

Their presence made me realize that not everyone is like them, there are good people in the world.

I've met so many good people, but what about those who haven't encountered warmth, those who are mistreated by their biological parents?

I understand that the only thing I can do now is to study.

I worked hard like crazy, studying every minute of every day except for eating and sleeping, and I received scholarships left and right.

Finally, in my sophomore year, I got the opportunity to study abroad as an exchange student. On the day of departure, Uncle and Huanhuan came to see me off as always.

Over the years, I visited Uncle and Huanhuan every holiday; they are my true family.

Now I can call Uncle "dad" without hesitation, but the title doesn't matter, what matters is love.

They love me, I love them, and that's enough.

Without love, titles are just shackles.

Before going through security, Uncle handed me an envelope, then quickly ran off, waving at me continuously.

I tightly held the thick envelope, feeling warmth in my heart; they are the family I have chosen.

After a year of exchange abroad, I applied to a foreign school to continue my studies, believing that time can heal all wounds.

While studying abroad, I worked hard and earned a great promotion opportunity.

Just as I graduated, I took the chance to return to my home country.

Seeing Uncle and Huanhuan again, Huanhuan had grown a lot, already in middle school, and when she saw me, she shyly hid behind Uncle and called me "sister."

"Dad, little brother, I'm back."

"It's good that you're back, it's good that you're back."

I returned the envelope Uncle gave me back to him; over the years, even in the toughest times, I never touched a penny from it.

Just looking at the envelope filled me with strength; family is a source of warmth.

Back in my home country, I worked hard, bought a big house, and brought Uncle and Huanhuan to live with me.

Since I started earning money, I've been sending a fixed amount to Li Lifang's bank account every month, a thousand yuan each time.

This thousand yuan is my final responsibility towards her.

Yes, it's a responsibility, not affection.

From the moment she repeatedly trampled on my dignity, caused me to miss the college entrance exam, and tried to make me drop out to work.

The child's innate love for the mother had long disappeared.
