On the last day of this year, Yang Tan got into a fight, all because he was standing up for a girl he didn't even know.

I was shocked, I had never seen him so kind before.

The reason was that he was drinking at a bar and heard a man belittling his wife who had just given birth.

The man was insulting his wife, calling her an old hag, saying he didn't even want to touch her, and then bragging to his friends about how he manipulated his wife's family assets.

How could there be such shameless people in this world?

The man was smoking a cigarette, holding a beautiful woman in his arms, and disdainfully said, "It's not for love, who would want to lower themselves to marry her? She used to be a rich young lady, but after marrying me and having a child, she is completely under my control. Now she cries and calls me every day begging me to come home."

My blood pressure skyrocketed upon hearing this, and I rushed over to give this despicable scumbag a piece of my mind.

Unexpectedly, Yang Tan, who was calmly drinking nearby, suddenly stood up. His expression was unchanged. I thought he didn't want to hear about such trivial matters and was about to leave, but to my surprise, he grabbed the man fiercely.

The man was not weak, but at this moment, he was completely defenseless in Yang Tan's hands, like a helpless chick.

His friends were probably just drinking buddies, or maybe they were all disgusted by his actions, as not a single one of them stepped in to stop Yang Tan.

Yang Tan threw him into the restroom, slammed the door shut in front of me, separating me from the scene.

I could hear the man screaming inside. After a while, Yang Tan came out.

The man inside groaned and cursed, "Are you crazy? How I treat my wife is my business! You're such a good man, why don't you marry her?"

Seeing Yang Tan stop in his tracks, the man fell silent.

Yang Tan made a call to his assistant to handle the aftermath.

His hands were bleeding as he walked out of the bar into the cold wind, and it started snowing again.

Snowflakes fell on his eyelashes, but he didn't even blink.

His eyes had a lot of white, always looking fierce.

Me: "Yang Tan, have you gone mad?"

He replied coldly, "Dead."

I knew he wasn't answering me. I had wanted to comfort him when I saw he was in a bad mood, but looking at him now, I didn't want to have anything to do with him.

We walked on like this, one after the other, until the world turned into a vast expanse of white.
