After returning home, I changed the locks and threw all of Sun Ran's things out the door.

Sun Ran didn't come back to make trouble; he picked up everything overnight from the doorway.

I thought the matter was smoothly resolved, and I successfully got rid of this piece of trash, Sun Ran.

He didn't come to work on Monday, so I guessed he must have taken leave to send his mother back to their hometown.

Who knew, before I could send out my first email in the morning, there was a commotion downstairs.

I stuck my head out, and there he was, Sun Ran and his mother holding a banner, seeking justice downstairs.

Five big words on the banner, simple and clear:

【Lin Xinyue! Repay the money!】

Sun Ran's mother sat on the ground, crying and beating her chest:

"It's this company's vixen who tricked my son out of everything, not even leaving him with his underwear.

"My son bought her food and drinks worth thousands, and what does she give in return? Just steamed buns!"

She had a pile of steamed buns at her feet. While crying, she didn't forget to pick up one and take a bite:

"Even worse, first she gives me a gold bracelet, and then she accuses me of theft and sends me to the police station."

A crowd gathered around, many people filming with their phones.

A colleague happened to be there, pointing at Sun Ran with a scoffing tone:

"Oh my, isn't it those two troublemakers again? Long time no see."

What a coincidence.

This colleague is famous in the company for being a mooch.

Always eating other people's food.

Even drinking someone's Chinese medicine without asking.

That day he thought Sun Ran invited him for a Coca-Cola and was quite pleased.

But he was forced to return the money the next day.

He held a grudge over this.

Seeing Sun Ran and his mother again, he wasted no time in lashing out:

"Do you two have any shame, spending thousands on food and drink? Act so noble while doing something so low?

"You say you treat everyone in the company to a drink, but then ask for the money back.

"And eating steamed buns, you're lucky we didn't throw rocks at you."

The crowd grew larger, with some people even livestreaming.

He explained the whole situation to everyone again, dramatically adding his own embellishments.

Immediately, the onlookers pointed and cursed at Sun Ran and his mother:

"The world is full of wonders, two kinds of people can't come out of one door."

"What did we do to deserve working with these kinds of people."

"No wonder this guy's face is so big, it's swollen from pretending to be someone else."

"From now on, when colleagues invite me to dinner, I'll think twice if they might ask for the money back."

"I start to sympathize with this girl."


Sun Ran's mother screamed in fury:

"What do you understand! That woman ruined my son! Bring her down, I want to confront her."

"No need."

I squeezed out of the crowd, keeping a safe distance with my arms crossed:

"Everything was already explained at the police station, what more do you want to say?"

His mother was taken aback, seemingly not expecting me to show up, then stretched out her hand:

"Pay back the money! Thirty-five thousand, not a penny less, today."

So it's still all about the gold bracelet.

I sneered:

"Go tell the police."

"Tell my ass!"

She jumped up from the ground, shouting in rage, nearly poking my face with her finger:

"You already signed the settlement; you can't call the police again! Pay up! Or I'll get someone to kill you!"

She was full of energy, no trace of the pitiful crying she had just displayed.

I raised my eyes to Sun Ran.

He silently listened to his mother's shouting, then clenched his lower lip, frowning at me:

"Xinyue, this money is a significant amount for me. Just consider the bracelet lost and return the money okay?

"After all, my mom raised me alone, it's not easy, you should understand her. Pay back the money, and we can both treat her well from now on."

He drew his neck back and muttered:

"Besides, my mom does have some connections in the village. If she says she can kill you, she definitely can. You don't want to live in fear every day, right?"

Wow, yesterday he was so loving, but now he's not pretending at all.

I looked at this man with hopeless eyes.

When he moved in, he only brought a backpack.

Everything he ate, used, and wore, I bought for him.

The money I spent on him alone was more than thirty-five thousand.

As for him, no matter how hard I think, I can't recall anything he bought for me this entire year.

I originally planned to pay him back that thirty-five thousand after some time.

But seeing his half-threatening, half-unreasonable attitude now, I don't intend to return it.

I sneered, ready to curse back, when suddenly a colleague upstairs shouted for me.

"Xinyue, move aside!"

I didn't know what she was up to, but instinctively stepped aside.

The next second, "splash," a bucket of water came pouring down.

The colleague upstairs laughed heartily, holding the bucket:

"Sun Ran, 521 milliliters of water, it's on us."

Sun Ran and his mother were drenched unexpectedly.

They were soaked through, shaking off water like clowns, spitting and sputtering.

After a few spits, Sun Ran's mother changed her expression:

"What's this smell? It's so foul?"

The colleague upstairs was laughing so hard:

"One spoonful each, freshly scooped from the toilet, no need to return it, enjoy slowly."

They looked like wet chickens, livestreamers moving closer with their cameras.

The livestream chat exploded:

【Wow, these people must be really hated for the entire company to dislike them.】

【Seriously? Can anyone control this? Don’t let such folks roam free.】

【This guy is named SR, working at XX company, hometown in XX County, XX village.】

【Incredible! Bro, you dug up his whole background in such a short time.】

The livestreamer exaggeratedly retold the recent events.

Sun Ran's mother turned red and white with rage, reaching out to slap him.

But the quick-reacting livestreamer dodged deftly.

He panned the camera to her face, shouting:

"Everyone look! This lady is about to hit someone because she knows she's wrong!"

With the camera on her, Sun Ran's mother hesitated and withdrew her hand, not daring to speak.

I kindly reminded her:

"If you don't leave soon, it'll make the trending topic. Don't regret it when your son's reputation is ruined and he can't find a partner."

Hearing this, she was enraged again.

She stiffened her neck and snorted:

"I'll tell you, I've already picked out my son's next partner. That girl looks at my son differently, she's a thousand, ten thousand times richer than you, you're destined to stay single for life."

She spoke with such certainty, not forgetting to mock:

"When my son becomes successful in the future, don't come begging like a dog.

"Also, I mean what I say, you better sleep with your eyes open these days."

The livestreamer zoomed in, capturing her face in close-up:

"Folks, folks, she's not hitting now, turned to threats."

She shuddered, grabbed the steamed buns, pulled her son away, and left swearing.

That night, I received a call from Sun Ran.

On the phone, his voice was filled with suppressed anger:

"Lin Xinyue, my mom got sick and hospitalized because of that bucket of water. Pay back the money for the bracelet and take care of her until she's discharged, or I'll call the police."

I scratched my ear, thinking I misheard.

He insisted coldly:

"You also have to cover all the medical costs, or I'll reserve the right to sue you."

Wow! Something's wrong with you! Everyone saw what happened that day.

Even if it was my company who poured the water, everyone's eyes are wide open.

Threatening me with the police and a lawsuit, give me a break.

I directly blocked and deleted him.

Goodbye, sir.
