I am the only college student from our village. Recently, the village wants to promote the idea of gender equality, and as the village's hope, I have embarked on this mission without hesitation.

I started a live stream and didn't stop day and night.

Although the number of viewers is few, the thought of my propaganda possibly saving women from distress makes me feel fulfilled.

Of course, there were many bullet comments questioning me:

【Is this just a show? You've probably figured out the secret to gaining popularity.】

【What's the point of doing all this? Can you, as an individual, shake the thoughts of millions of people?】

【Moreover, maybe they enjoy it. Who cares about your efforts?】


I presented cases of women oppressed by patriarchal families and replied with conviction:

"I can't shake the thoughts of millions, but in front of me, there are millions just like me."

"This person cares."

"These people care too."


I spoke earnestly, and the bullet comments flooded with 【666】.

【Does the anchor really think of themselves as a savior?】

【They're so young, too arrogant. If it were easy to correct the mindset of patriarchy, there wouldn't be so many vengeful female ghosts and infant spirits in horror movies.】

【Exactly, there wouldn't be so many aborted female fetuses, and there wouldn't be so many privileged sons and daughters in society.】


I sighed; the road ahead is long.

At that moment, a different bullet comment popped up.

【Well said!】

【I think the anchor is right.】

I glanced at the ID; the name was "Princess Furui."

How unique.

I greeted her specifically, "Welcome, new fan baby~"

The princess replied, 【Hello, I am Princess Furui of the Zhou Dynasty.】

Instantly, the bullet comments multiplied, filled with ridicule.

【Zhou Dynasty? Princess? What's going on?】

【Hilarious! Hi, I'm a 21st-century internet princess.】

【The anchor must have hired a stooge. However much she paid you, I'll double it. If you really accept, then forget what I said.】


I thought she was joking too.

Because she quickly asked me: 【Where are you from?】

【And why are you wearing such... revealing clothes?】

【Also, why does your room, a woman's room, have so many books?】


I patiently introduced myself one by one.

She played the part too well; several times, I almost believed she was a princess from the Zhou Dynasty.

But for the sake of my mission, I continued to answer patiently, introducing our village to her.

I not only described the local customs of our village but also explained the work we have been doing in recent years, including famous quotes advocating for women's empowerment.

【Don't the girls born there get drowned?】

That comment made me furious.

Are there still such blatant acts of gender discrimination?

It seems my work hasn't been thorough enough.

The bullet comments stopped joking and exploded with criticism.

【This is no longer gender discrimination; it's outright murder!】

【It's too cruel!】

【I remember in the Zhou Dynasty, drowning female infants wasn't considered a crime. Could she really be a princess from the Zhou Dynasty?】

【Stop making a fuss, if the Zhou Dynasty princess is still alive, she must be thousands of years old.】


I sighed and lectured about the law, women's rights, and gender equality. Girls can study, write, work, drive, and fly planes.

Even in the sky, there are female astronauts.

We are just as capable as men in everything they can do.

【Is there really such a good place?】 Her tone was filled with helplessness.

Myheart ached. I wanted to reassure her that progress has been made, but I couldn't deny the challenges that still exist.

【It's not perfect, but we're striving for it. We believe in the power of education, awareness, and collective efforts. Change takes time, but we're making strides towards a more equal society.】

The bullet comments started to shift:

【I'm grateful for the anchor's efforts. Keep going!】

【I hope one day all girls can have the same opportunities.】

【Thank you, anchor, for enlightening us.】


The conversation continued, and more people began to express their support and share their stories of empowerment and encouragement.

【I used to think I couldn't achieve my dreams because of my gender, but now I'm pursuing my passion fearlessly.】

【I'm a father of two daughters, and I will raise them to be strong, independent women.】

【I'm a teacher, and I'll make sure to inspire my female students to believe in their abilities.】


Tears welled up in my eyes as I read those comments. It was moments like these that reminded me why I started this journey.

Princess Furui, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up:

【Thank you, anchor, for showing me a glimpse of hope. Although I'm just a princess from the past, I'm glad to see that the efforts of countless people are shaping a better future for women.】

Her words touched my heart deeply, and I replied with gratitude:

"Thank you, Princess Furui, for joining us on this journey. Your presence here is a reminder that our mission transcends time and space. Together, we can create a world where every woman is valued, respected, and empowered."

The bullet comments flooded with love, support, and determination:

【Let's work together for gender equality!】

【No more discrimination! Every woman deserves a chance!】

【We're with you, anchor! Keep fighting!】


As the live stream continued, I knew that change wouldn't happen overnight. But with each person we inspire, each mind we open, and each heart we touch, we are one step closer to a future where gender equality is the norm.

Together, we can make a difference.
