I followed the police to another car to make a record.

But before I even left the garage, the scene of me fighting with the murderer Lu Huaiyuan in the parking lot had already been spread all over the internet.

Every platform was buzzing with headlines.

The release of this video shattered the doubts of netizens about me using a body double when filming "Crime Chronicles."

Many fans turned into supporters:

【I never expected that Su Xunwei really used her real self to film the fight scenes.】

【She's really dedicated, I'll definitely vote for her as Best Actress tonight!】

【If Su Xunwei can't be the Best Actress tonight, I seriously suspect foul play from the organizing committee!】

Many netizens even analyzed my fight scenes frame by frame:

【The scene of kicking the assailant in the underground garage is really amazing, although it's dangerous, that kick was really cool.】

【Yes! And Su Xunwei calmly comforting the assailant while secretly sending messages, that's really impressive!】

【Why didn't you mention the moment when Su Xunwei tore her skirt, that was explosive, right?】

【Sister, I love you so much!】

Just on the way, I received nearly 20 endorsement deals.

My agent was extremely busy, and I had things to take care of as well.

The police told me that after finishing the record, I needed to go see Lu Huaiyuan.

Because Lu Huaiyuan in the other police car specifically requested to see me, otherwise he wouldn't say anything.

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Su. We know you have an awards ceremony, but..." The police seemed apologetic.

"I'll go see him."

To cooperate with the investigation, I chose to calm myself down before meeting Lu Huaiyuan.
