I learned about the news of Li Hui's death from a mutual friend.

After our divorce, Li Hui went on a few blind dates. Finally, when she found someone suitable, that dog bit the blind date.

Li Hui's family had to pay a lot of money. Later, the dog gained a bad reputation, and no one wanted to date Li Hui anymore.

Her mother-in-law's leg injury greatly affected her health. Not long after we visited their home with Mengmeng, her mother-in-law passed away.

Her father-in-law was devastated. He used up his savings and checked himself into a nursing home.

Li Hui and the dog lived in the house left by her father-in-law.

Previously, her father-in-law took care of the dog's food and needs.

After her father-in-law went to the nursing home, Li Hui had to take care of the dog herself.

It was then that Li Hui realized that feeding the dog beef every day was a luxury for an ordinary family.

Li Hui started feeding the dog dog food, even opting for the mid to low-priced ones.

Later on, Li Hui didn't even want to buy dog food anymore. She brought back leftovers from work to feed the dog.

The dog became increasingly dissatisfied.

When Li Hui fell asleep, the dog would start biting her.

Li Hui screamed for help.

In theory, the neighbors should have been able to hear Li Hui's cries for help, but no one came to her aid.

Li Hui had been dead for many days before she was discovered.

When she was found, only bones and a dog were left in the house.
