You may have seen monkeys hitting people, but have you ever seen monkeys ganging up to hit someone!

I know the story of Xiaoxiao chatting with monkeys.

Before, when I was a volunteer at the zoo, Xiaoxiao sat with a monkey for an entire afternoon.

As she was leaving, Xiaoxiao told the keeper:

"My little brother said the name you gave him is not good, it made him depressed."

"I gave him a new name, Monkey Proud Sky."

"You should call him that from now on, or my little brother won't be happy!"

With that, Xiaoxiao called out "Monkey Proud Sky," and the monkey ran over and high-fived her.

Watching the two of them being so chummy, the keeper and I were stunned.

After a month of volunteering, Xiaoxiao had become the new monkey king at the zoo.

Her subordinates also got names they liked:

"Monkey Proud Sky, Monkey Sunny Sky, Monkey Dominant Sky!"

Even the peaches stuffed in their bottoms were shared with Xiaoxiao.

With this bond, Xu Wenxi dared to provoke Xiaoxiao on Monkey Mountain, it was like looking for trouble in the toilet - finding poop!

Monkey Proud Sky took the lead, grabbing Monkey Sunny Sky and charging towards Xu Wenxi.

Monkey Proud Sky threw Monkey Sunny Sky at Xu Wenxi, leaving this rich girl bewildered:


"What's going on?"

"Who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"Was I just hit by a monkey?"

"No, I was hit by a monkey holding another monkey!"

At this moment, Monkey Sunny Sky was also utterly confused:


"Who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"Did a monkey just hit someone with me?"

Other monkeys also joined in, delivering a series of punches.

Xiaoxiao sat on the side, laughing and providing commentary:

"Hey, take a hit from Sun Wukong!"

"Watch me sweep the leg!"

"Descending Dragon Palm, smack smack smack smack, big slap, smack smack smack!"

Finally, Xiaoxiao started singing a song on the side:

"Shaolin Kung Fu is great, really great!"

"Shaolin Kung Fu is awesome, truly awesome!"

The whole class burst into laughter at the zoo, and eventually, Xu Wenxi's roommate went to find the zoo administrator.

When the zoo administrator arrived, Xiaoxiao shouted a slang term:

"The wind is tight, pull the call!"

Over twenty monkeys swiftly ran back to Monkey Mountain as if nothing had happened.

The whole class stared in astonishment at these monkeys, they were really a group of clever monkeys!

When the administrator arrived, he helped up Xu Wenxi, who had been turned into a mess:

"Student, I heard you got hit by a monkey?"

With that statement, the whole class burst into laughter again!

Ten minutes later, Chen Wenyuan appeared at the zoo.

It was then that I realized, back in college, Chen Wenyuan and Xu Wenxi were actually together.

I immediately recalled things from a previous life.

Xu Wenxi, who disliked me in college, suddenly showed great affection towards me at a work gathering.

Since I had been focused on making money and had few friends, I let Xu Wenxi become my close friend.

Later, I met Chen Wenyuan, who was introduced by Xu Wenxi.

Xu Wenxi said Chen Wenyuan was a project manager at her stepfather's company.

Now it seems that Chen Wenyuan entering her stepfather's company was also arranged by her.

I was itching with hatred, thinking:

【Alright, you pair of scoundrels, it turns out that from the first time we met, you've been scheming about my family's assets!】

And at that moment, Chen Wenyuan stood before Xiaoxiao and me.

He was a year ahead of us, still that kind of delinquent youth.

He directly said:

"You hit my wife, you're finished! Do you know who I am?"

"I am the third prince of the royal family!"

Looking at Chen Wenyuan with his wild red hair, I was so embarrassed that I could dig out a three-bedroom apartment with my toes!
