I may be a courtesan, but I have always sold my art, not my body.

But that day, something unexpected happened.

Returning from performing outside, as soon as I closed the door, my body went weak.

A sense of unease filled my heart.

Today, a wealthy man named Wang came, extravagant and demanding, specifically requesting me to play and sing for him.

Although I knew he was up to no good, I still reluctantly went, as I had no right to resist a guest's wishes.

In the brothel, I never truly belonged to myself.

After playing just two songs, Wang started pouring me drinks.

I politely mentioned I couldn't handle alcohol well.

His chubby cheeks drooped, he sneered, and slammed the glass on the table.

Making a crisp sound.

I shuddered in fear.

"Miss Jiang, do you really think that being in a brothel still makes you a virtuous woman?"

"Do you think everyone comes here for your musical skills? Don't be delusional."

"If we were to compare, you wouldn't even match up to the entertainers in my household."

His words felt like a barrage of needles piercing my heart.

I tightly gripped my handkerchief, my body trembling slightly with humiliation.

Yes, he was right.

Being in a brothel, even if I didn't sell my body, in everyone's eyes, I was still a "prostitute."

Ultimately, just for their entertainment.

I raised the glass and drank it all in one go.

"Very good, Miss Jiang is a bold woman! I, Wang, like spirited women like you!"

As he spoke, his greasy hand had already landed on my shoulder.

One drink after another, until Wang himself became dizzy, only then was I able to escape.

But now, my body felt like it was being roasted over a fire.

Instinct drove me to remove my clothes, but suddenly a pair of cold hands stopped me.

Looking up, it was Shen Weiming, his face full of concern.

"What's wrong with you?"

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind.

"I don't know, I really don't know... I just remember drinking a lot of alcohol..."

A voice deep inside me suddenly told me that the man before me could make me feel a little better.

Like a vine, I wrapped myself around Shen Weiming.

"Jiang Lier! Pull yourself together!"

A jug of cold water was poured over me, soaking me through, and the fiery turmoil in my heart cooled down a bit.

Reason took over.

Having been in this place for a while, I knew the situation.

Sure enough, there was soon a commotion outside the door.

"This is the room, Mr. Wang."

I quickly pushed Shen Weiming into the wardrobe.

"No matter what happens, do not come out."

"If you truly want to repay me, then take care of my qin for me."

It was the only item my mother left me.

Turning around, I removed the hairpin from my head and hid it in my sleeve.

If resistance failed, I would end it myself.

The door was violently pushed open, and in came the flushed-faced Mr. Wang.

My body's discomfort and my remaining sanity were at odds.

I struggled to refrain from actively surrendering, but Mr. Wang pounced on me.

His bulky body pressed me down on the bed.

I struggled, I cried out, but it was all in vain.

I could only let him tear at my clothes more fervently.

"Why cry? Today, let me enjoy myself, tomorrow I'll marry you as my eighth concubine."

"Following me is better than playing the qin in this rundown brothel every day."

Tears blurred my vision as I turned my head towards the wardrobe, raising the hairpin in my hand high.


The hairpin fell heavily, but just as it was about to pierce my throat, it was interrupted.

Mr. Wang also lost consciousness, being thrown aside by Shen Weiming by the collar.

"Jiang Lier, where is your backbone?"

"Can such a small setback really make you want to end your life?"

"Jiang Lier, come with me."

"I suddenly realized, I can only offer my body."

After that, I don't know what means he used.

He truly redeemed me and Shuangjian from the brothel.

Looking back now, under the sky, is there anything he can't achieve?

But clearly, after rescuing me, he could have left me alone.

Why deceive me time and time again?

Giving me hope, only to drag me into endless hell?
