When I got home, as soon as I had fifty yuan, my mom scolded me harshly.

She made me kneel on the ground.

She held my little brother in her arms, sitting on a chair, covering his ears with her hands, and cursing me with all sorts of nasty words.

In an instant, I understood that my mom was afraid of cursing too harshly in case my little brother heard.

But what about me?

It seemed like my feelings weren't that important.

After getting tired of scolding, my mom started blaming her own bad luck, then looked at me and said, "Stupid girl, when will you grow up? You can start working after graduating from junior high. The sooner you work, the more you can help lighten the burden on the family."

My four-year-old brother got impatient and started crying, demanding to eat instant noodles.

My mom took out two yuan from her pocket and asked me to buy two packs, warning me not to be greedy as both packs were for my brother.

I nodded, "I understand."

I took the money and my brother to buy instant noodles. On the way back, my brother suddenly let go of my hand and ran into the house first.

My mom was doing laundry, and my brother ran over to her, saying, "Mom, sister has money in her pocket, she's hiding money!"

My mom was stunned, then turned to look at me fiercely.

In an instant, I realized that my brother had seen the two hundred yuan when I took it out of my pocket to pay earlier.

I quickly covered my pocket and said, "Mom, this wasn't from dad, it was given to me by someone else. I can't keep it, I have to give it back..."

My mom was already in front of me, took out the money from my pocket and asked, "Two hundred yuan? Who gave this to you?"

I could only tell her the truth.

My mom smiled and said, "You are really foolish. If someone pities you and gives you money, why don't you take it? If someone pities you and gives you money, why don't you take it? How did I give birth to such a stupid daughter like you?"

She put the two hundred yuan back in my pocket and said, "From now on, every week when you have a day off, go there, understand? Even if you don't have money, bring back something."

I quickly shook my head, "No, I can't..."

My mom slapped me directly on the face and said, "If you dare not go, then get out of my house. I don't have a daughter like you!"

I covered my face in fear, tears streaming down continuously.

Every week after that, my mom would send me on the bus. When I arrived, I would stay at the station and wait for the last bus back.

At first, my mom scolded me for being incompetent and not bringing back money. Later, after calculating that the bus fare was wasted, she stopped forcing me to go.

I thought I could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but I didn't expect my mom to not allow me to continue my education. She wanted me to work in a factory after graduating from junior high.

At that time, my school teachers had high hopes for me. In order to let me continue my education, they came to my house constantly to persuade my mom. Initially, my mom was unmoved, but under the pressure of neighbors' strange looks, she finally relented.

I could finally go to high school and continue my studies.
