Meeting Li's mother again was on the second day after she trended on hot search.

Perhaps afraid of giving me a handle, this time Wang Yi did not come along.

I was afraid Li's mother would cause a scene in public, so I deliberately brought a lawyer.

This time, Li's mother seemed to have grasped the benefits of the internet, appearing particularly confident. Unlike before, she didn't act like a shrew as soon as she saw me.

Li's mother sat across from me, crossing her legs, looking determined:

"Lin Shuang, considering your many years of marriage with Xiao Wei, his assets can be split with you for five hundred thousand, but the rest, whether it's the house or money, you shouldn't even think about it. Otherwise, don't blame me for saying something online."

Looking at the arrogant Li's mother in front of me, I couldn't help but find it amusing.

The high-paid lawyer we hired was indeed professional. He wasn't intimidated by Li's mother's lack of education and low quality, but responsibly explained the legal distribution of Li Wei's inheritance to her.

However, Li's mother completely ignored it:

"Don't try to deceive me with your tricks. I may not be educated, but I know that what belongs to the father belongs to the son! Even if Xiao Wei's money isn't mine, it belongs to Xiao Wei's son!"

Seeing Li's mother unable to contain her nature and starting to act stubborn again, I kindly explained:

"Mom, but you have no evidence to prove that the child in Wang Yi's belly is Li Wei's. Li Wei has already been cremated."

I looked at Li's mother innocently.


My casual tone infuriated Li's mother:

"Alright, I knew it! I knew why you hurriedly cremated Xiao Wei without informing me. You wanted to swallow the property alone!"

The lawyer spoke up:

"Madam, my client does not want to swallow the property alone, but only wants what she is entitled to according to the law."

"I don't care!" Li's mother clearly couldn't accept it, suddenly enlightened, muttered to herself, "Right, I'm still alive. Why don't I do a paternity test with my grandson? As long as it can prove he's my grandson, it can also prove he's Li Wei's son, right?"

After saying that, before the lawyer could remind her that it was invalid, Li's mother hurriedly left with her bag.
